Ida I SOOOO feel your pain - or well itch! Pam is 100% right except I put the coconut oil on in the shower. It is like crisco. I put some in a plastic cup and take it in the shower with me, It is hard so I use it like soap and scrub down then get out of the shower, pat dry and put on my long johns. You can also put it in your hair if you have dry hair. I put a towel on my pillow if I do this. Then wash in the morning (it might take 2 washes to get it all out)
Hope you stop itching soon!
Hope you stop itching soon!
Liz, thank you. I'm going to look in Trader Joes or Whole Foods to see if I can find the coconut oil. I don't have a Wegmans around me that I know of. I definately do not have dry hair but just under my hairline in the back is itching so I might give this a try there. Thank you for the suggestion..
Thank you Liz, I found some over the weekend. So I'm using the coconut oil at night, then in the morning after my shower, I'm using Gold Bond extra strength to get me through work till I can come home to put on the coconut oil with my long johns, pj, and sweats over all that just to try to warm up.
Man I'd forgotton how cold winter's used to be when I was thin before....but it is worse now, however, I'd rather be cold than on all those mediations I was on prior to my surgery ;-)
Man I'd forgotton how cold winter's used to be when I was thin before....but it is worse now, however, I'd rather be cold than on all those mediations I was on prior to my surgery ;-)
I am so there - I scratch through my clothes and STILL break the skin!! I actually have welts tonight. Benadryl here I come. I got the coconut oil in wegmans - in the organic section by the cooking oils. It comes in a white tub about the size of a margarine container with a screw top lid.
Between "lubes" of coconut oil I use the Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion and sometimes Aveeno oatmeal bath. If it is really bad I make a paste out of the oatmeal bath and rub it into my skin.
Between "lubes" of coconut oil I use the Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion and sometimes Aveeno oatmeal bath. If it is really bad I make a paste out of the oatmeal bath and rub it into my skin. is really bad tonight. I just jumped into the shower just so I could use my loofah thing to scratch. I got out lubed up with the Eucerin stuff and took Benadryl. G-d I hope that helps. I don't even care if I make it to midnight at this point. I just want relief.. I was at Wegman's tonight, too... should have looked for the coconut oil. UGH