Last Tues of 2009 Roll Call
Morning Ida, PA!
Just another work day, though it seems none of us are in the work mode and yesterday there was only half of us in the office. I think, like many European companies, we should be closed between Christmas and New Years! lol
My day consists of work and little else. . .
Wishing you all a wonderful day and peace and strength to carry on.
Hugs, Laureen
Just another work day, though it seems none of us are in the work mode and yesterday there was only half of us in the office. I think, like many European companies, we should be closed between Christmas and New Years! lol
My day consists of work and little else. . .
Wishing you all a wonderful day and peace and strength to carry on.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good morning Ida and PA..
working til 3:30, then off to the gyn. We are going to discuss other birth control options since the Depo does not seem to be working for me. I'm hoping he will have good ideas. He seems to be pretty knowledgeable about WLS, so that is good.
After the gyn, we have family counseling with Siehara's therapist. She had a few issues over the past week or so, but yesterday she cleaned her entire closet without any complaints. My friend talked to her about how important it is to clean up after herself so she can learn how to take care of her own apartment and such when she gets older. He also "motivated" her with a TV for her room after a few months of proving herself. I am okay with this, except that I am not sure if he is buying this TV or I am supposed to be doing it.. LOL.. I can get her something cheap.. OR if all goes well, I would give her one of the ones we have and get a new one for either the living room or my bedroom.
Once we are done with that appointment, I guess we'll come home and relax for the rest of the night. Work has been very tiring lately and as much as I like the extra $$ in my paycheck, I'll be glad when the mandatory OT is done and I can go back to working 8 hours a day.
Hope everyone has a peaceful day... hugs to all!
working til 3:30, then off to the gyn. We are going to discuss other birth control options since the Depo does not seem to be working for me. I'm hoping he will have good ideas. He seems to be pretty knowledgeable about WLS, so that is good.
After the gyn, we have family counseling with Siehara's therapist. She had a few issues over the past week or so, but yesterday she cleaned her entire closet without any complaints. My friend talked to her about how important it is to clean up after herself so she can learn how to take care of her own apartment and such when she gets older. He also "motivated" her with a TV for her room after a few months of proving herself. I am okay with this, except that I am not sure if he is buying this TV or I am supposed to be doing it.. LOL.. I can get her something cheap.. OR if all goes well, I would give her one of the ones we have and get a new one for either the living room or my bedroom.
Once we are done with that appointment, I guess we'll come home and relax for the rest of the night. Work has been very tiring lately and as much as I like the extra $$ in my paycheck, I'll be glad when the mandatory OT is done and I can go back to working 8 hours a day.
Hope everyone has a peaceful day... hugs to all!

Morning, Ida and PA!!! We're still in Georgia. Today we're supposed to be meeting some of Paul's high school friends for lunch. We've been together for 6 years, and this is my first opportunity to see where Paul grew up, see what made him who he is. (I never visited his parents because his dad judged me on my weight. He feels differently about me now, since I stuck with Paul through a bad car accident and all the health stuff that followed. Last night he blacked out briefly---he had been laughing hard and somehow passed out. I know his dad feels differently about me now, and I think last night's episode helped that. I'm still not petite enough for him to acknowledge my weight loss, but his step-mother is a different story---she told me 3 times yeterday that she's proud of us for doing something about our weight.) Sorry I rambled on, everyone!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Thanks, Liz!!! I hope Paul is ok too!!! He had one of his massive headaches afterward, so I gave him his meds and a couple of ice packs. I need to go check on him at some point. (Folks are old-school, so we're in separate bedrooms.) He hasn't had many of these episodes, but they're scary. I think I'll go along for his next doctor's appointment.