please say a prayer
Well tomorrow i have an appt at 11 am. I have been having problems with itching since last sunday. Ive been on meds to help but its not really working. I am also having problems keeping food down. baby looks ok but I am really not in the best shape.
I was restested on tues. the 23rd for Cholestasis. It has to do with your gallbladder spilling bile into your system which cause problems for your kidneys and liver. None the less I have been having some major problems with dizziness and some double vision. Yesterday I was sick for about 4 hours. I have not gone back to the hospital because im afraid they are just going to send me home again. I am really not doing well emotionally either. Im a mess because of all the problems i have been having. Also we noticed today I have small yellowish spots on the white parts of my eyes. Not sure at this point what will be done.
MY albumin and my ceratinine came back both low so that means the cholestasis is effecting my liver or also i could be dealing with malnutrition as well..
PLease say a prayer for Marshall and I that tomorrow they will let me have my csection and be willing let me have this baby tomorrow. I think i am at the end of my rope here and cant take much more!
Keep me posted - I am just a call, text , e-mail away!
You know my thoughts and prayers are with you! I will be here so you let me know what YOU need. They are discharging me, but I just found out my name is on the list for a demo room in the NICU so I'm not even going down to Ronald McDonald House right away. I will be staying right here.
If you want me to come downstairs or whatever just shoot me a call or text and I will be right there. If Dr. Ahoya is the doc on call tomorrow I should see her in the morning. I will tell her she needs to give you your C-Section!!!!
Hold on for a few more hours and I will be looking forward to visiting you and your bundle here tomorrow .
Love and hugs from me and Siehara...........
you know how to reach me!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland