hair advice needed
Hey all... yes I am still alive... just never have time for anything... so here it is almost 1am and I am posting lol...
Anyways... I am having MASSIVE hair loss... My hair is already thin but it is even worse because I am suffering from after surgery (c-section and tubes tied) and after preggo hormonal changes... oh the fun... it is falling out in clumps lol... so I am trying to come up with a easy hair cut that will be easy and maybe help hide the issue (after Lorelei it didn't even try to start to grow back till she was almost 1)... and my hair has never bouced back after having WLS 2 years ago...
So, for those have met me in person you will have a better idea of what would look good on me... but anyone can chime in... after doing some internet searches etc... it seems that short is better- made even better with layers...
so I am thinking of this hair cut... I have seen it on some people in their 30s and such and it looked cute but not to young or too old- it is the pixie cut... here are some different versions... what do you all think? I like the more bob pixie cut and since my hair is so blond on top and darker under that - it would be cool looking... e+Haircuts+Women+2009+2010 ml
I have thinning hair due to herridity from my mom. The sugery made it worse. I was very fortunate to be directed to a salon to fix this. I love my hair guy to death. Now I won't let anyone else touch my hair. I thought I would have to go short and he's getting my hair to grow long. He also showed me they had little clip on hair peices to use for thinning hair. He felt I didnt need one... YET. lol. They are pretty cool and light weight and you dont even feel them and others cant see you are wearing one. My suggestion is to go to a place that knows what they are doing and explain your problems in full.
Good luck!
I think the "alice cullen" version of the pixie would look good on you! And the other pixie cuts would too (I'm partial, though, as I have a shorter version of one). What I truly love about it is that I don't have to Do anything to it - fluff it with my fingers when I get out of the shower, put a little styling stuff in it, and that's it. If I really want it dry NOW it takes like 30 seconds to blow dry. Literally. And no more "hat hair" - and when I get out of the pool or at the beach, it still looks good!
So my advice would be "GO FOR IT!" and go to a good salon and have them work with you on it. The cut really does make all the difference.
I've taken Biotin and L-Carnitine and vitamin E and that all seems be making my hair GROW rapidly. Some people also swear by rogaine, but my hair loss was never bad enough to warrant that.
ok here are some shots of the new do... Jeremy loves the front... not to sure about the back yet... but i think i will let it grow out and try the alice do in a few months... I also want to get some major highlights... want to do something funky but still normal lol...
here is the back-
another front shot