Just a vent (may be OT)
Well, I got my packet in the mail on Saturday. Well, I started making my calls on Monday to get my appointments all set up (the ones that the surgeons office hadn't done for me). I call one of the psychiatrist/psychologists that was on the list that I was given. I got an answering machine so I left a message. I finally got a call back and found out that because I don't live in Erie county that I can not be seen in that county (because of insurance). I thought "ok, now what do I do?". I called my own pyschiatrist and the best they could do for me there was to give me a copy of the psych eval that they did when I first started seeing them, because they don't do evals for bariatric surgery. I called around to several different offices only to find that nobody in or around Crawford county does the evals. Needless to say, that put me in a panic. I kid you not, my phone calls started at 8:30 yesterday morning and didn't end until 10:45. Finally on the last one I called I got the answer I had been looking for. They do psych evals for bariatric surgery, but the kicker is that they don't accept my medical assistance however they do take medicare (I am on both). I will have to pay $72.00 out of pocket. That is what my medicare doesnt cover. I can handle that :o)
I didn't realize that I would get as emotional as I did when I had reached what I thought was a road block. At first I thought that all the work that I have done so far had been in vain. I wasn't about to give up though. I am determined to do what it takes to get healthy and stay healthy. I know that I need this tool (the surgery) to get to that point. If that means having to pay money out of pocket, then that is what I will do. Even my fiance' is behind me on that. I talked to him last night about me having to pay for the eval, and his response was "whatever it takes honey". I am so fortunate to have his support.
My mom on the other hand..her response to all the hassle that I went through yesterday was "are you sure its worth the trouble?" I told her most defenitely. "I like being alive".
I know that if I don't do something now that my health will only get worse. I suffer from diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis (all weight related).
With all that being said I will not let anything get me down. I'm sure that I will have many more emotional days in the weeks to come. I am scheduled for most of my testing in the first week in January. My last test, which is the EGD is going to be done January 29th. So, things are moving along quicly for me....WOW!! I didn't realize that this was going to be such a long vent..I feel better now :o)
I didn't realize that I would get as emotional as I did when I had reached what I thought was a road block. At first I thought that all the work that I have done so far had been in vain. I wasn't about to give up though. I am determined to do what it takes to get healthy and stay healthy. I know that I need this tool (the surgery) to get to that point. If that means having to pay money out of pocket, then that is what I will do. Even my fiance' is behind me on that. I talked to him last night about me having to pay for the eval, and his response was "whatever it takes honey". I am so fortunate to have his support.
My mom on the other hand..her response to all the hassle that I went through yesterday was "are you sure its worth the trouble?" I told her most defenitely. "I like being alive".
I know that if I don't do something now that my health will only get worse. I suffer from diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis (all weight related).
With all that being said I will not let anything get me down. I'm sure that I will have many more emotional days in the weeks to come. I am scheduled for most of my testing in the first week in January. My last test, which is the EGD is going to be done January 29th. So, things are moving along quicly for me....WOW!! I didn't realize that this was going to be such a long vent..I feel better now :o)
As I was reading this I was thinking - good for her - getting it all out! I bet she feels better now that she has written in down! :) Good for you! You are already sucessing due to your persistence! I was one of the lucky ones who was aproved rather quickly, so I can't imagine all the hoop jumping you are going through, but you are absolutely right - your life is worth the hassle it takes. It only makes it more meaningful when you get through! Having that support person is also so very important and your fiance sounds terrific! You are doing everything right, and venting on here is not only theraputic, it also helps others out there - so thank you for what you are also doing for others!
Congratulations and we are looking forward to you joining us on the Losers Bench!
Congratulations and we are looking forward to you joining us on the Losers Bench!
Go ahead and vent - but remember, its probably going to get harder before it gets easier. I started my process in June and didn't have surgery until the following February - its just the nature of the surgery and the hoops we have to jump through to have it, but in the end it is worth it. Remember, too, that even after the surgery its not an easy journey, but it is a wonderful one and worth all you're going through right now.
You'll encounter negativity along the way from many different sources - your mother probably just doesn't like the 'system' picking on her little girl, but you have the support of your fiance and that will help you thru the rough spots - and of course you have all of us out here.
I'm not sure the doctor that did my psych eval had that as her specialty, but she was recommended by a therapist I had seen for a short time and whatever she wrote worked, so don't sweat that part of it too much. You'll have lots of tests to go thru before surgery but it will go quickly now that you've started.
Hang in there - vent when you have to - we'll always listen!
You'll encounter negativity along the way from many different sources - your mother probably just doesn't like the 'system' picking on her little girl, but you have the support of your fiance and that will help you thru the rough spots - and of course you have all of us out here.
I'm not sure the doctor that did my psych eval had that as her specialty, but she was recommended by a therapist I had seen for a short time and whatever she wrote worked, so don't sweat that part of it too much. You'll have lots of tests to go thru before surgery but it will go quickly now that you've started.
Hang in there - vent when you have to - we'll always listen!
Yes - emotional days are definately on the horizon. Be prepared as best you can for ALOT of them...and potentially a lot more "road blocks" You will find doctors who don't cooperate, insurance people who don't bill correctly, office staff who doesn't have the right paperwork, the list can go on.
Some advice early out - after each test, call and get the results IN YOUR HANDS. This will probably mean an extra trip to the doctors office, and some of them charge (a dollar or two) to "copy" the results and give them to you - it's worth the time and the $$. That way you have copies of EVERYTHING so if your insurance company, bariatric surgeon, etc says months down the road "you didn't have x y and z test done" you can say "Oh yes I did and here are the results"
Hang in there - we know the struggles and know how much it is worth it!
Some advice early out - after each test, call and get the results IN YOUR HANDS. This will probably mean an extra trip to the doctors office, and some of them charge (a dollar or two) to "copy" the results and give them to you - it's worth the time and the $$. That way you have copies of EVERYTHING so if your insurance company, bariatric surgeon, etc says months down the road "you didn't have x y and z test done" you can say "Oh yes I did and here are the results"
Hang in there - we know the struggles and know how much it is worth it!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I also made days worth of phone calls to dr's seeing who did bariatric exams for my insurance back and forth from ins to Dr's . It took days finally found one an hr away. Guess what , after all that I got approved w/out ever seeing the Dr. Insurance was very vague about testing.I know I almost felt like giving up during all that, but, it all wroks out remember patience pays. I was told when I started inquiring about WLS, that it takes a year from the time you make first phne call to date of surgery, and I am jut about 10 months in since first phone call. I am hoping to get a surgery date tomorrow(was hoping for today),because it is after 5 Isn't it nice to vent??? Yes I enjoy life as well!
Pam's advice is on the money. My insurance approval took a LONG time (you don't want to know how long), and I was fortunae several times to have copies of all my evaluations in hand.
And those roadblocks? Well, let's just say that many of us have faced them. Many of us have shelled out $$$ out of pocket for evaluations and tests. And...many of us have reached the point of tears.
It's an emotional thing. Truthfully, for me, I had more profound ups and downs PRE surgery because of the insurance game than I have had AFTER surgery with my adjustment to eating differently.
Who'd have thought it?
Best of luck with you and let's hope for a quick approval for you!
And those roadblocks? Well, let's just say that many of us have faced them. Many of us have shelled out $$$ out of pocket for evaluations and tests. And...many of us have reached the point of tears.
It's an emotional thing. Truthfully, for me, I had more profound ups and downs PRE surgery because of the insurance game than I have had AFTER surgery with my adjustment to eating differently.
Who'd have thought it?
Best of luck with you and let's hope for a quick approval for you!
I was blessed with little hassle in getting my surgery approved. From the day I met with my surgeon to the day was operated on was almost exactly 3 months. My psychiatrist did my eval, and it cost me $150. He also consulted with my psychotherapist in order to complete the evaluation.
But, that said, I have heard some horror stories, between the insurance and the doctor's offices, and the nay-sayers. I only had two nay-sayers, and they were long distance. My family was supportive.
Pam's suggestion to keep copies of everything is a good one. You can handle this. It is worth the effort and tears. Don't be afraid to cry. I have cried dealing with doctor's offices and all that recently. I am dealing with a pain management issue and got the run-around from some offices. I burst into tears, called my psychiatrist and threatened to go to a known drug neighborhood to get pills to put me out of my misery.
Another suggestion is to keep a journal of your contacts with the various offices, as well as the names of the people with whom you speak. Date, time and name, as well as the content of the conversation. That way, you can speak intelligently when you do follow-ups. It will help you stay calm, and get your information across.
Buy yourself a big box of tissues. You are in for the ride of your life. But, it is worth every tissue and tear. Vent here all you want. That is what we are here for. Many here have been there, and can empathize. And, any incident in your journey is not off topic. Dealing with any aspect of the weight loss surgery journey is exactly what this board is about.
We care, and I know that I could not have gotten through my journey without the people that went before me.
But, that said, I have heard some horror stories, between the insurance and the doctor's offices, and the nay-sayers. I only had two nay-sayers, and they were long distance. My family was supportive.
Pam's suggestion to keep copies of everything is a good one. You can handle this. It is worth the effort and tears. Don't be afraid to cry. I have cried dealing with doctor's offices and all that recently. I am dealing with a pain management issue and got the run-around from some offices. I burst into tears, called my psychiatrist and threatened to go to a known drug neighborhood to get pills to put me out of my misery.
Another suggestion is to keep a journal of your contacts with the various offices, as well as the names of the people with whom you speak. Date, time and name, as well as the content of the conversation. That way, you can speak intelligently when you do follow-ups. It will help you stay calm, and get your information across.
Buy yourself a big box of tissues. You are in for the ride of your life. But, it is worth every tissue and tear. Vent here all you want. That is what we are here for. Many here have been there, and can empathize. And, any incident in your journey is not off topic. Dealing with any aspect of the weight loss surgery journey is exactly what this board is about.
We care, and I know that I could not have gotten through my journey without the people that went before me.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Congratulations on your perseverence. Your attitude and determination show that you are 100% committed to your decision and that is the way to go about this life change. You are successing wonderfully. Remember there will be many struggles along the way but it is so worth it. I had the same problem with my pysch eval and ended up traveling 2 hrs. for mine. Hang in there it is one heck of a ride.
Congrats on being proactive about your decision, as others have stated, it shows your determination to do what needs doing in the long run. I had my own hoops to jump through and while I was going through it, the people here helped encourage me. It was all worth it and this time is a good time to start preparing by making lifestyle changes such as drinking 64 oz of water daily, maybe, if you don't already do so, take a vitamin daily, a walk (if you can), all gearing up to the change that will occur after you join us on the Losers Bench.
Have a great holiday!
Have a great holiday!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland