Monday Roll Call!
I'm am beat this morning. Spent loads of time shoveling this weekend. I actually surprised myself by being able to totally keep up with SO. If this was last year, I would have been pooped after 10 minutes. Love my WLS !
Today has me a work til 3:30 and then a short stint at the Doc's tonight.
That's about it for me today. Hope everyone stays warm.
I had a rough weekend emotionally and found myself missing the hell out of having my former supposed best friend food to turn to. I did manage to stay on track, and for that I am thankful that I live alone and don't have any crappy food in the house for anyone else. As I've told some of you, I keep a list of things to do to deal with stress instead of eating, and I'm pretty sure I went through every last one of them, and even added a few new ones. Spending some time reading the Beck book helped me too.
Anyway, today I'm going to go into my office around 9:30 for what should be a very quiet day at work. After work, I'll come home, eat a little dinner, then go out to the gym for Zumba. After that I have some Christmas gift knitting I'll finish up tonight, which should make for a relaxing evening. I am very glad this is a short work week, and even more glad that I have next week off, so after Thursday I don't have to be back at wor****il the new year.
Have a good one, everyone.
This is my first day of unemployment. Not a bad way to start---not having to go out on a frozen, snowy morning! I'll probably be going out later though. I'm supposed to meet some former co-workers (from a job a few years ago) for lunch. While I'm in that area, there's a store I want to check out. They apparently have SF chocolate, which I want for melting over stuff. (They have milk, white, and dark.) I'd also like to go to Goodwill today to look for some smaller jeans. I have a discount card that's only good on Mondays, so this would be a good day to go shopping. I have a few Christmas presents to wrap and some cookies to bake. (Dough is in the fridge, so the hard part is done.)
Have a great day, everyone! Stay warm!
working til 3:30ish
homework help
gym--spin and 5k training
boring, predictable day but that's ok
Have a great day today everyone, hope if there is still tons of snow your way that you are careful.
Good Morning Pa,
This morning is a chill out one for me. My daughter took middle grandchild to school, and the oldest and youngest, are going out to breakfast with Mom to meet a family friend. So it just me and the Cats. I think I will check out the whirl pool, it hasn't been used, other than a tub for a long time, so I will get out the vinegar and see what happens. I need to get the last of my Christmas cards out, and then am sending Oldest granddaughter and daughter to the movies this afternoon. (good luck with that, only every other kid in the area will be there.) I need to return some stuff to GNC, and found out they no nothing about us WLS people. If you can't be your own advocate, you are really in trouble. That's about it for me. Those of you who need to be out and about, be safe, and stay warm.
Hugs Ena
Well, today has hubby and I dug out from 18"+ of the white stuff here in Delaware. Sometimes I swear he and I are polar opposites in many regards ... the weather didn't stop him at all ...during the storm on Saturday we were out in it all day and then again yesterday. Me on the other hand... would prefer not to have any snow at all.
Today on the agenda is taking hubby to work at 11 and then meeting up with my best friend and the kids to do our annual gift exchange. She was supposed to be coming to my house this year (I was planning on making lunch) but with all the school closings plans have changed and I'm heading there now. After I get home this afternoon it's getting something on for dinner finishing wrapping all the Christmas presents and a little bit of general cleaning and laundry.
Actually Can't wait til tomorrow and I have a good friends' dog coming to visit for 5 days. Bonnie is a sweetheart and will bring some well needed life back into this place for the holidays.
For those who have to go out in the weather today ... be safe.
Spent the weekend indoors due to the massive snow - LOVE living in a 55+ community where they come plow and shovel - stayed in and acted like the queen that I am (or should be).
Short work week for me this week - only working 2 days then off for 5 glorious days, and same for next week - yeah me!! Wednesday will be busy and unless I can get my iPhone working today or tomorrow I won't be checking in much over the holidays.
Okay - better get to work since I got in so late today - stay warm, everyone - and have fun finishing up all that holiday shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking and merry-making!!
Off to work today... should be a quiet day. Then home to go shopping with my neighbor... she needs help with Santa stuff.
I am also surprised that I survived shoveling yesterday... No adverse side effects, just a good night's sleep! I couldn't have even thought about shoveling two years ago!
I have to work 3-11 today glad to have tomorrow off thought wish I had the rest of the week off to rest up or something but that is not going to happen.
I hope that this finds you well, I'm hoping that we don't get no more snow and it warms up into the 50's at least for winter or something I know wishful thinking
looks like this will be my time to get onto OH for roll call from now on.
Today worked till 4, then stopped at the vet for HIder's special gastro cat food. now i'm waiting for gene to come home to go grocery shopping with me. I hate shopping this close to the holiday but with the weekend storm I stayed in.
AFter shopping I might make some cookies, I want to make Pfeffernüsse and snickerdoodles. I made some chocolate chips yeterday.
That's my exciting day.