Need advice
I need some input. I am going to NYC for New Year's eve and will have my first drink(s) since surgery. I know wine is one option. I like vodka and wondering if anyone had suggestions on mixers with it that I can get at the bar. Does OJ and cranberry juice have too much sugar?
Any ideas of what I can have so I wont' dump?
My advice? Decide now and maybe try a drink at home. Drinking your first drink out in public is a little dangerous.
I didn't try any alcohol until about a year post op. So I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Now, I tend to stick to Jack Daniels, SoCo, or Captain with a diet soda. Once they pour the soda in the glass, it fizzes out alot and I tend to stir it some more with the straw and make it "flatter", if that makes any sense.
Good luck, and have fun!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Juices are very concentrated sources of sugar. My nutrition guide says a serving of juice is 1/4 cup (2 ounces). However, until I was on regular foods, I was advised to dilute juices 50% with water.
4 mos. out is a little soon to try any alcohol. Just my 2 cents worth.
Alcohol after WLS
What You Need To Know
by Connie Stapleton, PhD
"My surgeon's office repeatedly told us 'No alcohol for a year'," Debbie from NY shared in response to OH Magazine's inquiry about how alcohol affects people after they have WLS. In addition, members were asked how alcohol affected their post-op weight loss. Debbie went on to share her physician's reasons for his recommendation. First, alcohol can irritate the newly created pouch. Secondly, her doctor informs her that alcohol has an exaggerated effect on patients after surgery, noting that one drink has the equivalent effect of four drinks. Finally, alcohol, he teaches, is nothing more than empty calories with no nutritional value. Debbie said, "With all that we are trying to accomplish with weight loss, why take in more than you really need?"
Although Debbie may not drink, the majority of post-ops, based on those *****sponded, do consume alcohol after WLS. In addition, almost all of them concurred that alcohol affects them much more quickly than it did before having weight loss surgery. The specific procedure doesn't...Read More and have a chance to WIN a copy of Eat It Up! by Connie Stapleton, Ph.D.
That being said...I will do vodka with crystal lite. I bring a packet of whatever flavor crystal lite I want (normally raspberry or iced tea) ask for a large glass of water and a shot of vodka. Make up the crystal lite in the glass of water and add the vodka.
I also do malibu bay breezes - however - they contain BOTH OJ and Cranberry I'd be REAL careful with that. I personally don't dump on fruit juices, so I'm ok with it.
Definately try it at home first. And load up on water before, during, and after. I get sooooo hung over due to dehydration after drinking even just one or two ever since surgery. Alcohol is a diuretic - a very potent one at that.