So, yesterday I woke up, went to work, then came home and played with Addison in all the snow. Not once did I look at the calendar to realize what the actual date was. This morning I came into my full time job and looked at my calendar to go over todays items to complete and realized, WOW, yesterday was my surgiversary and I completely forgot!! So today, I've been sitting back and reliving what I've accomplished in the last four yrs since surgery.
Some things I now know about myself.. I no longer will be that wall flower that sits back and watches everyone else enjoy life. I am no longer the one who allows others to walk all over me. I AM a stronger person because of the surgery, I am someone who enjoys life and enjoys who I have become.
Have I reached my goal weight? Nope. Am I happy about that? Nope. Am I going to cry about it? Nope. Am I going to continue to strive to be the best person I can possibly be? Dam right I am and I have the surgery to thank for that. I will always have a struggle with my weight, as we all know this is a life changing event, not a cure, but a tool to help us all become healthier people.
At 330 pounds I never would have stood up to say I actually like me. I have found my self and my confidence since my surgery.