***Frigid Friday Roll Call***

Pam Hart
on 12/17/09 6:51 pm - Easton, PA

Brrrrr it's freaking cooooold out there this morning ladies and gents!  And there's a forecast of a good amount of snow in some areas I here!  Be careful out there!

Today starts a day which begin a very busy weekend for us.

On the way home I may stop at Walmart to pick up something I ordered for Christmas for my brothers girlfriend.  I can only pick it up starting at 8am - 10pm each day...so it depends on what time I get out of here and my commute.  If I would get there before 8am I will skip that and do it another day this weekend.  If the timing works out, while I am there I will pick up a few other items I need for the weekend.

Once home I need to pick out a few outfits for hubby and I for a wedding we are going to tonight.  I *thought* I had that all figured out...but on some down time tonight I went to the places website (I hadn't done that yet)  And although the invitation doesn't say black tie or anything like that...I don't think the outfit I was gonna wear (my cute purple sweater dress) will be quite formal enough.  The place is amazingly detailed, ornate, and formal looking. We both have outfits that fit the bill - but I need to see if they are cleaned/pressed/etc.

Then it will be off to bed.  Generally speaking I don't sleep long on my days off, if at all, but then again I'm normally in bed by 8 or 9, too.  And we'll be up quite late tonight - so I plan on sleeping a good amount today.

Once up (probably around 3 or 4) time to get showered, dressed, and all prettied up for the evening.   Spending the evening at said wedding with good friends etc.

And then tonight, depending on the time and how much I sleep and how awake I am, I may attempt some baking to get a jump start on the rest of the weekend festivities.  If not...I'll go to bed and get up early to start all that jazz.

Oh - snap - I also need to get gas in my car and card for the wedding sometime in there :)

Enjoy your day - and if the snow DOES come, be careful in your travels!



Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
IdaMae D.
on 12/17/09 6:55 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Pam & PA:

Today I have to check in here at home since work has blocked OH. I'll be at work till 4. Today is our Communications Department Christmas luncheon, going out to a resturant.

After work to the gym, home to the treadmill, need to get a Birthday card to mail to my brother his birthday is tomorrow, looks like it's going to be late. I'm exhausted.

Hope everyone has a great day keep warm...



Lisa H.
on 12/17/09 7:04 pm - Whitehall, PA
Morning Pam and Pa...

another morning I am glad to work from home so I don't have to go outside in the cold

Today has me working til 3:30
Once Siehara gets home, we will be headed up to my step-mom's house to have dinner with her.   Then, Siehara is going to stay there and I am going to go to a Pampered Chef meeting/holiday party.   I forgot about the dinner when I decided to do the pouch test, so I guess I'll just have to follow it all day long and then just be very careful about what I eat at dinner.  Very small portions and try to keep it close to the diet listed.  Since it is just the 3 of us, I won't bring my own food.  But, I will be ok.

I'm also going to bring some ricotta or something to the Pampered Chef thing so I have something there if I need it.  My contribution is the black bean lime spread that we had made a while back, so I can always just eat some of that with a spoon instead of putting it on anything.

Tomorrow, I have synagogue in the morning and I am chanting the haftorah for the first time since before my dad died.  It will be good to get back into it.  Then in the afternoon I need to cook and get ready for dinner with my sister and step-mom for Chanukah.    I'm making chicken, so I should be ok as far as the pouch test.

Then, as long as my sister doesn't bail on me, I plan to go out.. there are a few people meeting up to see a band at one place and there is karaoke at my usual place.  So, depending on the weather and my sister, I'll figure out what I am going to be doing tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone!

My tracker


Liz R.
on 12/17/09 8:20 pm, edited 12/17/09 9:56 pm - Easton, PA
HAve fun at teh wedding!

Today has me at wor****il 4. We were supposed to be having company tomorrow but no one could come (I'm so ok with that! lol) so we are going to my Mom's for dinner instead. SO tonight I don't have to frantically clean the house or start cooking. I think that I'll treat myself to some take out for dinner, go home and snuggle with the kittes. Tomorrow I am getting up early to run to k-mart to pick up my layaway, shoprite to grocery shop then home to clean and start getting things ready for our big family gathering Christmas Eve.

Have a good day all and be safe if it does snow - sounds like it is all up in the air right now depending on where the storm tracks. Could be anywhere from a dusting to a foot! I'm rooting for dusting!

OK well my plans have all changed again because of the weather! lol SO tonight I will be grocery shopping so I don't have to go out tomorrow in that direction. I still have to go to k-mart to pick up my lay away but that is closer to home...

on 12/17/09 8:55 pm - Gettysburg, PA

Good Morning all!

Yay! It's friday. I am at wor****il 4:30. It's my last day of being "full time" status. After today I am PRN (as needed). Guess what? They need me mon, tues & wed next week to cover patients for my favorite doc! So I do get to see him next week, and get a few hours in. I will probably be working 10-3 so that is good too.

I finished up the last of my finals last night and can finally put this semester behind me until next semester begins.

Tonight, we will run some errands, grab dinner out and I will wrap a few gifts and prepare food for my Christmas gathering with my mom and my sisters family. We do ours early since Christmas day is so hectic and we pass each other in visiting places.

Have a great day everyone!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 12/17/09 9:15 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - thanks to everyone who wished me well from my little surgery - the results came back and everything was benign, and I'm back at work today - couldn't miss the annual holiday luncheon and gift exchange!

Now old man winter is messing with our weekend plans - we were suppose to have my husband's family party tomorrow at our clubhouse but we have too many traveling a good distance so we're going to postpone in light of the pending snow storm - hopefully everyone can make it on the 27th.

Other than that not much going on other than me digging out from under a ton of e-mails, paperwork, questions, etc. that didn't get resolved while I was out.

Take care, everyone - stay safe, warm and dry out there!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 12/17/09 9:25 pm - Newark, DE
I'm so glad to hear everything came out OK.  have fun at your holiday party today. 


on 12/17/09 9:23 pm - Newark, DE
Mornin Everyone....

So glad everyone seems to be doing well... at least relatively stress free considering everyone is getting ready for the holidays...  It's so close ... I can't believe it. 

Today has me doing what I was supposed to be doing yesterday which was decorating the Christmas tree, wrapping gifts, and Christmas cards since I didn't get any of that done yesterday.  After I took the hubby to work the cooking bug hit me and that's what I did all afternoon.  I made brownies, apple crisp, Karen's pot roast that I found looking back in the posts, cauliflower salad, and tuna salad with chickpeas.  Wow makes me dizzy just writing all that down...

On top of all the Christmas things I have to do I need to go out and take the hubby to work at 10:30, go to PT, and then the bank.  I'm sot sure there is enough time in the day today to get everything done.  :P

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you are out and about please be careful.  I haven't heard a weather report yet but I know snow is coming, just not sure when it is due to start.

Take care,

on 12/17/09 9:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning everyone - I am going to live in blissful ignorance of the impending weather and pretend that it is going to be just a normal weekend with Holiday activities.....I like living in denial - everyone likes me there! :)

So - at work this morning, parent/teacher conferences this afternoon, Hanukkah services and dinner tonight.  Last candle for this year's holiday - but, good news - having our family hanukkah party on Sunday evening.  Tomorrow I plan, PLAN.....to go food shopping and finish the hanukkah shopping for my neices andnephews - YES-I KNOW THE HOLIDAY IS OVER ! :)  Tomorrow aternoon friends and their children ARE coming over - see how I am ignoring the weather forecast....Then, and this will happen no matter the weather - my little brother is coming in tomorrow night from Boston to stay with us until 12/31.

So - Based on all that I have to accomplish this weekend, I am sure we will get hit hard with the beautiful white stuff!  But, headed to Great Wolf Lodge next week for three days - looking forward to that!

Have a great Friday and a pretty white weekend! (So - I guessI am giving into the weather reports now!) :)
on 12/17/09 9:52 pm - PA
Good Morning All -

Today I'm off from work.  I've got plenty to do today.  Stanley Steemer is coming to clean my carpets at my old apartment and I need to finish up cleaning my kitchen.

Hopefully the snow will stay away.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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