Holiday photos of me
I took some holiday photos tonight my dad took the photos I just had to share with everyone. As soon as I can find the ones of me from last year I'm going to post xmas last year and this year. For now here I'm this year 5 moths post opt.

Don't I just look so much more happier 5months later I'm super happy cause it's PXL top
Me and my dog 3 he loves to be in photos with me for some reason I have had him since he was 3 seconds old too!!
O just had to have one with the tree just becaue for some reason.
I had to do this fo r the fun of it I was at the deb shop in the mall trying clothes on put this one I think it looks good on me. I did not buy it cause right now I don't think that 19.99 is worth it right now. but I still like it. I think that I look good in this top even if I did not buy this.
Don't I just look so much more happier 5months later I'm super happy cause it's PXL top