3 month check-up today
Had a nice visit with my sugeon. He is the best, I'm so happy that I found him and he was able to get me through surgery.
I have to see a gastro doc to possibly get an endoscope because of not being able to tolerate meat and fish, they want to see if my stoma has closed due to scar tissue. So I have an appointment to see my gastro on Wed and if I need to be scoped will schecule that day.
I was sitting in the examination room waiting for him to come in and one of the receptionists came barreling through the door saying "OMG you look amazing, you've had a makeover, you look great" It was so nice to hear that and see that reaction from her.
I was talking to Gene and saying that it is so weird because I am seeing me in the mirror again. The last time I was this thin was for my daughter's wedding in 2006, but I was never able to go off any of my medications back then. Like I was telling Gene I see me in the mirror not some different person. Now I am guessing that once I go under 140, I will have a different reaction. I have not been under 140 pounds since 1992 so then I will see a new person emerge.
I also went out to dinner with some of my co-workers to meet up with an old co-worker. We ate at the Cove Resturant in Harrahs Casion in Cherter County at least that is where I think the casino is. I ordered Salmon - I hate salmon but I was able to get in probaly 2 oz and did not get sick so maybe my pouch is coming around and I won't need the scope - we shall see.
And the last bit of my news, they have officially blocked OH at work. I can no longer get onto the boards during the day. That sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to see a gastro doc to possibly get an endoscope because of not being able to tolerate meat and fish, they want to see if my stoma has closed due to scar tissue. So I have an appointment to see my gastro on Wed and if I need to be scoped will schecule that day.
I was sitting in the examination room waiting for him to come in and one of the receptionists came barreling through the door saying "OMG you look amazing, you've had a makeover, you look great" It was so nice to hear that and see that reaction from her.
I was talking to Gene and saying that it is so weird because I am seeing me in the mirror again. The last time I was this thin was for my daughter's wedding in 2006, but I was never able to go off any of my medications back then. Like I was telling Gene I see me in the mirror not some different person. Now I am guessing that once I go under 140, I will have a different reaction. I have not been under 140 pounds since 1992 so then I will see a new person emerge.
I also went out to dinner with some of my co-workers to meet up with an old co-worker. We ate at the Cove Resturant in Harrahs Casion in Cherter County at least that is where I think the casino is. I ordered Salmon - I hate salmon but I was able to get in probaly 2 oz and did not get sick so maybe my pouch is coming around and I won't need the scope - we shall see.
And the last bit of my news, they have officially blocked OH at work. I can no longer get onto the boards during the day. That sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!