Philly people......
Here in South Central PA, they are saying 12-24 inches for you guys by sunday morning. Is that what they are forcasting there? Sometimes I don't think our area accurately depicts the weather for other areas.
We are to head to Philly bright and early sunday morning and I am wondering what to actually expect. We will be traveling the turnpike the entire way.
Any input is GREATLY appreciated!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
A couple of years ago, John Bolaris who was with NBC local at the time, went nuts forecasting the big one. Schools and other businesses closed in advance and we ended up getting almost nothing.
Good luck and be safe.
Waiting is not an option. Humph. We have tickets to the Game. Johnny will not wait until sunday morning then decide. He knows someone that will take the tickets. So, since I have no idea what the weather will be, I guess we are getting rid of them so we aren't stuck with tickets we won't be using.
This stinks. I was really looking forward to heading to one more game.
Thanks for the replies. Guess I was hoping for a more definate forcast but it sounds like no one knows what is coming tomorrow.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!