When did you start to exercise?
Well, depends on what you call exercise - at Barix they have you up and walking within 4 hours of surgery and tell you to keep on walking from that point on, working up in speed and distance every day, several times a day. That's what I did, so I didn't "start" at a particular time.
I used Wii Fit from Day 1 - hula hooping, step aerobics, balance games, yoga, etc.
At my 6 week checkup, Dr. P cleared me for lifting 20 pounds and told me I could add some weights into my workout, so I started adding hand-weights to my walks and building resistance band exercises into my Wii Fit workouts (EA Sports Active).
From that point on, I just built workouts gradually in endurance and resistance/weights.
I used Wii Fit from Day 1 - hula hooping, step aerobics, balance games, yoga, etc.
At my 6 week checkup, Dr. P cleared me for lifting 20 pounds and told me I could add some weights into my workout, so I started adding hand-weights to my walks and building resistance band exercises into my Wii Fit workouts (EA Sports Active).
From that point on, I just built workouts gradually in endurance and resistance/weights.
Anything other than walking you should really check with your surgeon - walking is the safest thing to do right now, and I'm sure some cardio things would be okay, but to be on the safe side check with the surgeon or his assistant(s) - they can tell you what and how to begin so you don't do any harm to yourself.
At about 5 weeks out, I transitioned to walking on a treadmill. As time went on, I either increased the speed or the incline slowly at first. I guess at about 8 weeks, I started using machines with very little weight on them. I had worked out in the past so I knew what would be low weights for me. I didn't do anything that would put a strain on my abdominal area. I just focused on my legs and arms. Just as with the treadmill, I slowly added weights and more machines. I also moved further in toward the stomach. However, about 2 weeks ago I tried some abdominal exercises and paid for it the next day with some back pain - so pay close attention to what your body tells you and go slow.
Give your surgeon a call.
My surgeon (Pupkova) is a huge physical person - and wanted me on the treadmill by my two week appointment, along with abs starting at 3 weeks and light weight lifting. Her words at my two week appointment "I already told you that you can have sex at two weeks post op - you better believe you can start exercising too" She did want me not lifting a lot until about 4-6 weeks out as far as weights are concerned, but wanted me doing "a little bit"
Have fun - see how your body reacts. Take it nice and easy and slowly increase over time so you don't A) hurt anything B) get super sore
My surgeon (Pupkova) is a huge physical person - and wanted me on the treadmill by my two week appointment, along with abs starting at 3 weeks and light weight lifting. Her words at my two week appointment "I already told you that you can have sex at two weeks post op - you better believe you can start exercising too" She did want me not lifting a lot until about 4-6 weeks out as far as weights are concerned, but wanted me doing "a little bit"
Have fun - see how your body reacts. Take it nice and easy and slowly increase over time so you don't A) hurt anything B) get super sore
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.