OT: No turning back now!
Hey all,
So after my last post on Tuesday about the fFN coming back positive, I popped a few Benadryl and went to bed.I was developing a NASTY NASTY headc old.I was asleep by630 or 7 PM. I woke up at 1215 thinking I wet myself because I was so sound asleep from the Benadryl. I went to stand up to go to the bathroom and everything was soaked, right down to my socks. Yep you guessed it, my water broke. OHHH boy did it break.... 3 pair of pants and 4 of those ultra huge pads soaked through and through, I was finally at Geisinger Wyoming Valley.
I walked in and the midwife was there, she said room 9 is ready head down. She is an absolute sweetheart and had predicted that they would get maybe another week out of me before I was back, when I was in there last week. I got there, they checked my cervix, no dilation still. Checked to make sure the baby was still head down. Bundled me up and Life Flighted me to Geisinger in Danville. I wish I could have brought the midwife with me, but she doesn't come here :-(
I got here and the doc came in and checked me again, they put me on the monitors. My contractions were coming less than 3 minutes apart and pretty strong by what the monitor was showing. I didn't feel a bit of it. They loaded me up with MagSulfate and gave me a booster dose of steroids. They have had me on constant antibiotics since I got here and gave me a second booster shot of the steroids. Also gave me vitamin B12 shot, an iron shot, and an iron push through my IV. Apparently just in the past two weeks since they last did labs my numbers dropped pretty good.
As long as I don't develop an infection or start dilating myself they are going to induce me at 35 weeks which is the 30th. I am staying here in Danville until then. My new home away from home! If she comes before then, they figure she will stay in the NICU until 35 weeks. If I have her as a result of the induction on the 30th they are figuring I will be able to take her right home with me! Either way, I am not leaving here without having had the baby. They did another ultrasound yesterday to measure her and to check the fluids. She is currently weighing in at 4lbs 8 ounces. They say as long as we keep her in for the next two weeks she will be anywhere from 6.5 to 7.5 pounds.
On a sucky note, the wifi they have here blocks access to Facebook, Myspace, and Netflix. Wow that sucks!!!! So I guess I will be spending wayyyyyyy too much time here!!!!
Oh Laura! Hang in there!! How exciting for you and for all! I may have to take a trip down to spend some time with you :) I'm pretty sure Geisinger is only about 1 1/2 hours from me!
Congrats! Prayers and best wishes to all of you!