Okay so my toxic co-worker just told me that she bought me a ceramic cookie jar with sugar cookies in them as my Christmas gift. She knows that I do not eat sugar and my WLS. WTF? I know it's the thought that counts but I did not expect a Christmas gift and she said she is too busy to think of anything better to give everyone on the team. SO sugar cookies for me any my teammate it is!! Obviously I will be re-gifting it but I put so much though in the gifts I choose for her and my team mates. This is just another example of how thoughtless she is.
Sorry about the rant. I am trying to take deep breaths here. HELP!!!!!
Sorry about the rant. I am trying to take deep breaths here. HELP!!!!!
Shilpa, I am sure that the fact this is is also the slacker co-worker is making you feel even more annoyed but try to keep in mind that it is a gift and not everyone is as thoughtful about gifts. Smile say thank you and if you want throw it away or donate it to a local church so a family may be able to use it.
Sometimes we receive gifts from people that we put thought into their gift only to receive a let down. I had it happen a few years ago by three people. I said thank you came home and these were so bad I tossed away.
Smile and thank you! It is the thought that counts.
Sometimes we receive gifts from people that we put thought into their gift only to receive a let down. I had it happen a few years ago by three people. I said thank you came home and these were so bad I tossed away.
Smile and thank you! It is the thought that counts.
Thanks Beth. Sorry I am venting so much of course the fact that I am PMsing is not helping my situation. I wanted to go out for lunch by myself and she invited herself. UGH I am too nice I should have said I am running errands but here I am going to lunch with her at 1:30. What a chump. I agree that the gift is just that a thought. It's just that she made a comment about being too busy to put too much though in it.
It sucks that people are sooooo stupid! I completely agree that this person is stupid - I am sitting here with my colleagues and told them - they too were apalled! Just remember things that someone used to tell me - it all comes around! Someone will do something stupid to them! And also remember, we have been given this gift and are therefore more thoughtful that others - we are more astutely aware of things when it comes to what others are going through. Keep doing the deep breathing thing - vent to us - it is the right way to go! We love you and think that sugar cookies are also the devil - TRASH THEM!!!!!!
(oh - and smile when you do it! :))
(oh - and smile when you do it! :))
I say eat the cookies and then vomit all over her desk.
Sorry - I think I was channelling Norm on that response :)
The fact that she specifically mentioned to you that she wasn't putting thought into her gifts probably gets my goat the most. But not everyone thinks of the holidays as we do.
I like the donating it to a church or something like that for a needy family that Beth suggested - that sounds really nice :)
Sorry - I think I was channelling Norm on that response :)
The fact that she specifically mentioned to you that she wasn't putting thought into her gifts probably gets my goat the most. But not everyone thinks of the holidays as we do.
I like the donating it to a church or something like that for a needy family that Beth suggested - that sounds really nice :)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

well I put on my pissy pants this morning so I probably would have taken Pam's suggestion or crumbled them all up on her keyboard lol
DOnating them or putting them in the lunchroom is probably the more civil things though... Oh or you could re-wrap them and give them back to her! lol Ok, there go those hormones again

DOnating them or putting them in the lunchroom is probably the more civil things though... Oh or you could re-wrap them and give them back to her! lol Ok, there go those hormones again