OT: baby appointment and fFN
So I had another doctor appointment today. 33 weeks tomorrow. Yeah gotta love weekly's! Anyway, once again they hooked me up to the monitor. Caught me on a good day, contractions were almost non-existent for the hour they had me connected. Of course now that I am at home they are back! She also didn't move a whole lot during that time. I think we are both exhausted already from all this.
They checked my cervix and I am definitely thinning out. They did a fFN (fetal Fibronectin) while they we down there. Got a call about 20 minutes ago or so that said results were positive. Doc wants you to call us if ANYTHING changes about this pregnancy. Your contractions change, your pain changes, she seems like she is moving less, you start getting worse headaches, you are leaking more fluids than you have over the past two days, ANYTHING at all. If anything changes they are going to bring me in and recheck my cervix. If my cervix starts dilating at all they are going to take the next step, which I am assuming is induction.
They said based on my current symptoms and history and the results from the fFN, I have a better than 1 in 6 chance of delivering in the next two weeks.
And that ladies is my story and I am sticking to it!