Getting back on track.. again?
It seems like it's been forever since I've checked in. (and it really has!!) So much has happened since my last post. I'm still working two jobs, hoping after the holidays I won't have to anymore. The plan is to cut back on the part time job to just one day a month, just so I can keep the store discount. I haven't exercised in months. I've been working 7 days a week, at nights after my full time job, I've been watching my granddaughter Addison, who is almost two already! I feel completely lost on how to get back on track again. I'm back to feeling exhausted everyday, with very little energy at the end of my very long days.
Anyone have any advice they want to offer on getting things back to the way they should be? And has anyone started a support group closer to the Harrisburg area?
Sorry, don't know about any support groups out there....but how far are you from Lancaster? Dr. Brader's practice has a support group, although I don't know if it is just for his patients. You are pretty far out and his practice out there is only about a year old, so most of the patients are about a year out and under, so it might not be what you are looking for anyway. His "older" patients seem to all still go to the Barix or other support groups because Lancaster is not convenient.
Yes I walk with Addison just about everyday when the weather permits, of course now it's very cold. We usually walked to the park, but now it's just around the block a few times. She is curious, so we don't get a good brisk walk in, but it is something. I guess I just didn't think of those walks as exercise.
I take B12 on a daily basis and have it checked about every three months because I am anemic, the Dr just checks everything. The hard thing is being anemic and not being able to take extra iron, so I try to get it in with more food. I don't always succeed of course, but I do try.
I'm about 40 minutes from Lancaster.