We now have support group in Carbon county. OT ? as well
I went to the first support group meeting that they started here in the area that I live in! It was interesting to say the least but still it was just the right boost that I need to get through the holidays! I even learned something as well I even got this handout on this book I have to find the right name of it out but it's called :The man who couldn't stop eating" also learned about becoming an angle to some one who is thiking about or is going to get WLS when I heard them mention this I was lilke I so need to join it to help someone I member what it was like for me. I mean I have all of you and tihs site but still being able to talk to another person meet another person who is having this is gerat ting to do plus I'm going to be around more people who are like me too.I was just wondering since wls do you find that you are friends with more people or talk to more people that have had wls done then before? just wondering that is all.