***Still Freezing Saturday Roll Call***
I am up sipping my hot Chocolate Max now (yum!) but in a few minutes I need to get my butt in gear. I had decided that this would be the weekend of trying new things, so I said yes to being in a Zumba demo at the local mall that my gym is sponsoring. That's today at noon, and I'm still debating wearing a disguise!
After that I'm going to do a little shopping, and then I have to do a little cooking for a Christmas party I'm going to tonight. Another busy weekend but I love it this way!
Have a good one, everyone!
Good Afternoon PA!
I am here with no baby! Good thing I suppose except for the contractions. Trying to figure out how in the heck I will know when I am actually supposed to go if they keep sending me home. I have a friend though who had the same things going on that I do at 28 and 32 weeks. She said she just knew at 34 weeks that it was time. The contractions took on a different feel than the ones she had been having. That was reassuring!
They hooked me up to the monitor and did a NST. I am definitely having full blown contractions and my cervix is still thinning but still no dilation. Sent home with the same orders.. keep taking the meds and keep taking it easy.
My Army Christmas party is tomorrow and as long as I feel well I will be heading there. Today I plan on baking cookies for said Christmas party. Nothing major or hard. I can mostly do them sitting down. http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/Holiday-Spruce-Cookies
My aunt finally gave me her homemade pierogi recipe so at some point this weekend I want to make and freeze a few dozen of those too!
More likely scenario is that I will lose ALL motivation and keep my butt parked on the couch all day! :-)
Have a great Saturday and stay warm!!!