What really gets my blood boiling
You know what gets me ...I use a transportation service when I go to medical appointments. Well, I was asking about what type of appointments they would provide transportation for. My driver then asked me what kind of appointments and I told her that it would be to the bariatric center. As soon as I said that she was like "oh, you really think you need to have that done, there are better ways to lose weight it just won't happen as fast" Was she blind to my size? I am a whole 5'4" and weigh 250. Why is it people think that what we are doing is a quick fix? I mean we still have to work to get the weight off and keep it off. I guess some people don't know when to keep their comments to themselves. I know why I am doing this, and thats what matters. I just needed to vent about that...I feel better now
Yep, heard variations of that comment. Heck, my mom wanted me to "give something just one more try" before having surgery. At that point, she really didn't know much about the surgery and had only heard horror stories about it. She's thrilled with my progress now and is glad I had it done. I think most people are like my mom was---very little knowledge and lots of horror stories. I try to educate people when I have the opportunity and have only had good responses from people.
Shrug off that woman's comment and do what you need to do for yourself.
Shrug off that woman's comment and do what you need to do for yourself.
It can be frustrating to deal with people who are uneducated about WLS. The best we can do is to gently educate them (when they're willing and interested) or politely redirect the conversation when they're not. After all, the only opinion that REALLY counts is yours.
And, it wasn't the driver's business to ask (and I'm pretty sure it violates the policy of any decent transportation service AND federal HIPPA law).
And, it wasn't the driver's business to ask (and I'm pretty sure it violates the policy of any decent transportation service AND federal HIPPA law).
I would have replied that she was in violation of the privacy act. I guarantee you if you called up the company providing the vehicles and service she would be in deep doo doo. I know that one time I asked an innocent question at physical theraphy asking what someone's name is and my therapist said to me sorry I can't tell you the privacy act is strict and she would get the other person's attention and I would ask them their name and then we would introduce ourselves. Now the driver can ask you what type of facility you are going to but not make any comments. But she should have kept her opinions to herself.
I got many of the same responses. In fact, just TONIGHT a girl at work who had not known I had bypass and found out tonight said to me "how much did you weigh?" I said "235 is the highest weight I have on record, but probably 250" (I too am 5'3") She said to me "Oh - well - that wasn't TOOO bad, I'm surprised you were even allowed to have it done" Until I showed her my old pictures and went through my medical history with her (which I shouldn't have needed to do, by the way)
And BEFORE surgery....just about every single person told me "you don't need that, you are not heavy" And fast fwd 2 years when we look back at old photos - I get "I don't remember you looking like that" Well hot damn it, thanks, because I DO remember and I KNEW then what I looked like and why I needed it.
Vent away - unfortunatly we probably won't be able to change many people's opinion, but we CAN try to educate those who are willing to listen.
And BEFORE surgery....just about every single person told me "you don't need that, you are not heavy" And fast fwd 2 years when we look back at old photos - I get "I don't remember you looking like that" Well hot damn it, thanks, because I DO remember and I KNEW then what I looked like and why I needed it.
Vent away - unfortunatly we probably won't be able to change many people's opinion, but we CAN try to educate those who are willing to listen.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I was at a Christmas party last night and someone asked me about when my surgery was. I reminded them of the date proudly. Someone else said, "well haven't you lost weight this year?" I told them I had lost 47 lbs since May. They replied, "Don't you think you can lose the rest without having that surgery?" They pushed my button! I said, " I am sorry, I didn't think you had vision problems, can't you see I have more than a few pounds to lose yet.!" My wife, said "If he doesn't have this surgery, you could be coming to his funeral next year rather than seeing him at next years Christmas party.
I know that all sounds harsh, but it is reality and people are so closed minded sometimes. I usually tell people that I care enough about myself and my family to have this surgery and make a positive life change that will extend my life so I am there to harass them for years to come.
I know that all sounds harsh, but it is reality and people are so closed minded sometimes. I usually tell people that I care enough about myself and my family to have this surgery and make a positive life change that will extend my life so I am there to harass them for years to come.