Toasty Thrusday Roll Call!
Good Afternoon Tanya and PA,
Well my insomnia has not stopped but at least now I am sleeping until 1230 or 1 to make up for not going to bed. Talked to the docs and midwife while I was in the hospital the other night about sleeping positions. They say while ideally left side sleeping is recommended, I can sleep in any position that allows me to sleep! YAY!!! They actually let me on my back and my right side both while they were monitoring me! I find myself on my stomach too. So since I don't have to worry about it, I thnik that's why I am getting more sleep!
Anyway, today is just another exciting day of nothingness. I feel this incredible urge to scrub down my apartment and repack my hospital bag from the other night. I think if my mom comes to take me to my appointment tomorrow and the place is sparkly I will get yelled at! So instead I will work on crocheting her blankie and hopefully get it done before she makes her entrance!!!
Still having contractions despite the meds, but not call worthy. We'll see what they say at my appointment tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great Thursday!!!