Embarassing Question???
If I can't ask here....where can I ask?? My family is ready to dis-own me because of the not very pleasant smell that is coming from my body.....it truly is horrible....
anyway, is there anything I can take to help with the gas odor?? If so, what is it called and where can I purchase a truckload???
Thanks everyone!!! My family will thank you for it as well!
If I can't ask here....where can I ask?? My family is ready to dis-own me because of the not very pleasant smell that is coming from my body.....it truly is horrible....
anyway, is there anything I can take to help with the gas odor?? If so, what is it called and where can I purchase a truckload???
Thanks everyone!!! My family will thank you for it as well!

OK - so there are two "probable" things. I'm assuming you're talking about intestinal gas smelling - try Bean-o, which should cut down on it considerably.
If you're talking body or breath odor, and if it's accompanied by a really bad taste in your mouth, it's likely ketosis from the high protein intake. There's a pretty clear explanation of ketosis here:
If it's ketosis, it's usually a brief period (a week or so****il the body adapts to the new protein/carb ratio. Best thing you can do is stay well hydrated, use sugar-free breath mints, brush teeth often.
Hope this helps!
If you're talking body or breath odor, and if it's accompanied by a really bad taste in your mouth, it's likely ketosis from the high protein intake. There's a pretty clear explanation of ketosis here:
If it's ketosis, it's usually a brief period (a week or so****il the body adapts to the new protein/carb ratio. Best thing you can do is stay well hydrated, use sugar-free breath mints, brush teeth often.
Hope this helps!
Check your diet...are you sneaking some high fat/high sugar items? ( i have had this experience---even the dog left the room!!!!).....Not to criticize at all, but.....sampling a cookie recipe or having just a bite of something with regular sugar or fat can cause this phenomenon.... sooo, rethink, journal and be vigilant about what goes in your mouth....'cause what goes in, comes out.....
I haven't used devrom - but definatley have heard its praises sung here before.
Also...I do notice that when I consistently eat a greek yogurt every day the odor is less. Not GONE...but definately less. Kim Z said that's because the greek yogurt is high in the good bacteria unlike other yogurts which are not. It's a good possibility!
Also...I do notice that when I consistently eat a greek yogurt every day the odor is less. Not GONE...but definately less. Kim Z said that's because the greek yogurt is high in the good bacteria unlike other yogurts which are not. It's a good possibility!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.