Friday Roll Call!!
I woke up in a great mood finally! I am hoping for a drama free day at work today - Although I was hoping for that all week and was sadly disappointed! :) It is a bit annoying when the drama is NOT delivered by 14 year olds who are the best at, "Bringing the Drama!"
Anyway - I am looking forward to a wonderfully busy weekend with what I hope is all good things! After work I am headed home to get the kids ready to go to services tonight. I bought the most adorable sweater dress on Black Friday that I have NOT told Larry about, then last night, I went out and bought tall brown boots to wear with it - I tried it on last night, he was at work, and almost cried from joy when I looked in the mirror. Getting dressed has NEVER been this much fun!!!!!!
Then Molly is sleeping over at the synagogue and tomorrow morning will just be Larry and the big and little kid! Then tomorrow afternoon, as I always do, I am SOOOO looking forward to my Saturday of Support at BARIX! Tomorrow evening and Sunday afternoon will be filled with Christmas Cheer (Yes - even for the Jewish Girl!) as my girls will be in two dance recitals. Feel free to come to Washington High School to check it out - only $5.00 per ticket! :)
Of course, Sunday morning is my thrid graders - and later in the day Sunday - we will be chilling at home - all five of us - SO UNHEARD OF! (Maybe we will EVEN get along!) hmmmm.....This day better go REAL fast! :)
I hope you all have a nice Friday.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Pam...have fun in Cape May! I hear we are getting snow tomorrow night :) Good thing I got those new tires!
Have a good day.
Tomorrow - trunk show at Cornerstone gym in doylestown for most of the day, so can't get to support group.
Have a great day, folks!
Tired as per the norm lately, but this time it's because my "friend" came over last night and sleep was not on the agenda.. tee hee...
Of course, I overslept this morning--got up at 6:15 instead of 5, so I started work then. At least all of today is OT since I've already done 40 hrs this week. My scheduled time is not until 7, so I can't get in trouble for not starting at 5.
I had a dr's appt with my PCP for follow up for my cholesterol levels. I saw the Nurse Practicioner. She hasn't seen me since maybe a month or two after surgery, so she was very happy with my weight loss and my cholesterol numbers. As predicted, I am still on the meds just to keep it stable and maybe improve the numbers even more.
I also discussed my stall with her, as well as my moods. She said that the Depo can affect my moods, as well as my weight. So, it is good that I have decided to go off the Depo. I cancelled my appt for the next injection and made an appt with my gyn to discuss other options. The NP suggested the Nuva Ring.. we'll see what the gyn says when I get there.
We also changed my dosage of my Effexor to see if that helps at all. Before I had the chance to ask her about changing the dose, she said to me that I looked like there was some depression going on.. so I guess it's not all in my head. She doubled the dose, so I am hoping that helps to bring back the happy Lisa that I know I can be!!!
Tonight after work, I am headed to the gym. Rocco was supposed to meet me there, but it seems that he may not be able to make it. I am still going to go and get my run in, as well as strength training. I haven't done any strength in at least a week.. ugh..
Then, we were invited to dinner at our Friday night friends' house and I'm sure we'll end up at the mall or something afterwards.
Tomorrow, come hell or high water, I am going to Barix! I need to get there. I need to see you guys in person. I need a swift kick in the ass!
There I said it! That's my day..
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I started to respond to your post this morning, but then my roommate and I looked at some pictures on and well we found a dog that is looking for a forever home and depending on what transpires, I may just have a new fur face to open my home and heart to. While some may think it is too soon, my thoughts are that I have lots of love to give and that it is more honoring to dear Dillinger to get another dog that needs a home, just as he once did, then to mourn and cry over what was. Dillinger was really my first pet as an adult, I loved him with all there was to give and now, it is time to love another furry friend and I will make my collage to honor the boy who taught me so much about loving and giving. . .
Anyway, what I had started to say in my earlier post this morning, was there is a great seafood restaurant in Cape May, I can't remember it's name, but it was modern looking, glass and neon and Tony and I went there for our 1st date almost 2 years ago, so if you want a good dinner, see is it's still there, it was right on the road near the ocean. . . Enjoy your's weekend.
Well folks, I am looking forward to seeing those of you who will be at Barix tomorrow, the rest of you have a great weekend and be safe with the snow and Xmas maniacs. . .
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland