Sugar vs Sugar Alchol?
Ok I not 100% sure I understand the difference. If something says "Sugar Free" but has 7 SA that is not really SF, right? Like for example these cookies at the top., they are talking to me!! WOW they look yummy but here is their info. Will these sent "us" strait to the potty?
P.S. this is all for future reference I am still to scare to get adventurous. OH what I wouldn't give for a glass of ice cold milk and a couple of those babies, I know that is how I got here in the first place, but bad habits are hard to break. Good thing I have the fear of dumping to keep me in line.
P.S. this is all for future reference I am still to scare to get adventurous. OH what I wouldn't give for a glass of ice cold milk and a couple of those babies, I know that is how I got here in the first place, but bad habits are hard to break. Good thing I have the fear of dumping to keep me in line.
Fear of dumping is a GOOD thing. Haha.
Sugar alcohols are things like Maltitol, Xylitol, Erythritol - artificial sweeteners, usually plant-based.
They are usually just fine for WLS patients, but in EXCESS can cause diarrhea and gas (yes, I found this out by experience over thanksgiving due to my lack of portion control).
As with anything, watch the portion sizes specified on the package, plan it, and log it. Personally, I like both the Voortman and the Murray's SF cookies, but limit my intake of them rather severely, because the carbs are high and I'm limiting "white flour" (refined flours) in my intake. I've found an approach that works for me is to take the serving size of cookies out of the package, re-seal the package and put it away (in the garage pantry, out of sight, out of mind). If I see the package, I'm going to want another cookie. But that's just me.
You're doing great, btw - reading the labels, educating yourself, asking questions - all VERY important steps on the successing road.
Sugar alcohols are things like Maltitol, Xylitol, Erythritol - artificial sweeteners, usually plant-based.
They are usually just fine for WLS patients, but in EXCESS can cause diarrhea and gas (yes, I found this out by experience over thanksgiving due to my lack of portion control).
As with anything, watch the portion sizes specified on the package, plan it, and log it. Personally, I like both the Voortman and the Murray's SF cookies, but limit my intake of them rather severely, because the carbs are high and I'm limiting "white flour" (refined flours) in my intake. I've found an approach that works for me is to take the serving size of cookies out of the package, re-seal the package and put it away (in the garage pantry, out of sight, out of mind). If I see the package, I'm going to want another cookie. But that's just me.
You're doing great, btw - reading the labels, educating yourself, asking questions - all VERY important steps on the successing road.
I'm a major sugar-dumper - doesn't take much at all even to make me feel queazy from just a little bit of real sugar. On the other hand sugar alcohols don't bother me at all - not entirely sure that's a good thing but so far I haven't had a problem with them. I have had these cookies, but only 1 or 2 at a time and since I was never a big sweets eater that more than satisfies my sweet tooth for several days or longer. As you move along in your journey and start experimenting with different foods just remember to take is slow and easy, and at home - dumping in public is not a pretty site (trust me, I know about this as well
Oh, be careful with the big glass of cold milk, too - a lot of us start to experience mild to real lactose intolerance so watch that as well. Sometimes I can drink milk and be fine but there are times when it really bothers my pouch. Just depends on the day I guess.

Oh, be careful with the big glass of cold milk, too - a lot of us start to experience mild to real lactose intolerance so watch that as well. Sometimes I can drink milk and be fine but there are times when it really bothers my pouch. Just depends on the day I guess.
puke vs. poop....that's the difference.
Here's a milk we can drink... Also, using this milk and Hershey's unsweetened cocoa and splenda you can make hot cocoa during the winter months. However, you are wise to "not go there" if it's a trigger. As for SA products, 2 is usually the magic number, more than that and you'll begin getting gas and eventually the runs. Worse than that, you'll build tolerance. 4 might give you the runs now but a year from now it will be 8 or 10 pieces and they still have calories and other chemicals in them you don't need. Have you ever noticed how waxy SF products are and how they congeal? Think of that coating the inside of your belly. Gross.
Here's a milk we can drink... Also, using this milk and Hershey's unsweetened cocoa and splenda you can make hot cocoa during the winter months. However, you are wise to "not go there" if it's a trigger. As for SA products, 2 is usually the magic number, more than that and you'll begin getting gas and eventually the runs. Worse than that, you'll build tolerance. 4 might give you the runs now but a year from now it will be 8 or 10 pieces and they still have calories and other chemicals in them you don't need. Have you ever noticed how waxy SF products are and how they congeal? Think of that coating the inside of your belly. Gross.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Thats funny I just went thru the same thing with Liz when I asked her about apple pie where it said no sugar added and she went thru the whole thing with me. Careful with those sugar alcohols and I also eat the Murray cookies but just like Karen said portion control. They are good but we do have to be careful. And not to be funny I too sometimes miss the milk and cookies combo but another thing that stops me other than thats how I got here also is we can't eat and then drink right away. Hmmmm sometimes I do miss that but I am at a better place today for not doing it. Good question good post.