I feel like let myself down
So how about I feel like crap this AM because I got up late to go to the gym to meet with my trainner well I guess I did not drink enought or something because while ON the way their my stomach was getting upset felt like I was going to puke but I did not . Get to the gym Tim my trainer asked if I was okay I told him I get like this sometimes where I'm swollen in the AM it will pass drank some more water I was on treadmill for 14minutes had to stop my stomach was not having it this morning. I feel like crap that I could not do my whole hour or two work out today that I had to come home I'm sitting here drinking now I feel better I'm wishing I would have pushed myslef harder to stay. I hate when I feel sick like that grrrr I feel like I let myslef down like loser or something/ I dont know what my band was thinking but I listened to it for some reasons.
There are days where our bodies simply tell us that exercise isn't going to be a good idea, for any number of reasons. Dehydration, not enough carbs, menstrual cramps, fighting off a bug, tiredness from not sleeping or overwork, etc. A good part of this journey, it seems to me, is learning to listen to your body and give it what it really needs. In this case, your stomach was telling you not to exercise and you did the smart thing and listened to it. You're now better hydrated (hopefully learned that lesson!) and feeling better. So, get out and walk a bit later if you've got a chance. If not, then just hydrate yourself well and go do your workout tomorrow morning. But don't get yourself on the merry-go-round of negative thinking.
You DID do 14 minutes on the treadmill this morning. Give yourself credit for that - and maybe even extra credit given how crappy you felt while doing it.
There are days where our bodies simply tell us that exercise isn't going to be a good idea, for any number of reasons. Dehydration, not enough carbs, menstrual cramps, fighting off a bug, tiredness from not sleeping or overwork, etc. A good part of this journey, it seems to me, is learning to listen to your body and give it what it really needs. In this case, your stomach was telling you not to exercise and you did the smart thing and listened to it. You're now better hydrated (hopefully learned that lesson!) and feeling better. So, get out and walk a bit later if you've got a chance. If not, then just hydrate yourself well and go do your workout tomorrow morning. But don't get yourself on the merry-go-round of negative thinking.
You DID do 14 minutes on the treadmill this morning. Give yourself credit for that - and maybe even extra credit given how crappy you felt while doing it.
Did you eat anything before hitting the gym this morning? Protein bar? Some good carbs? Anything?? I've come to realize that when my pouch is empty (having gone longer than 3 hours or more) it gets very cranky and uncooperative, especially if I try pushing myself to do things like work-out or just work around the house. Staying hydrated is also key, which it seems you're aware of by your post.
But yeah, like the other girls said, don't beat yourself up - it happened, maybe you've learned something new about your body from it, and move on. Let's face it, most of us spent years and years beating ourselves up over one failed diet and/or exercise program after another - this time its different - this time we have a fantastic tool but it is a constant learning process because it seems to have a mind of its own at times!!
Take it easy...listen to your body and not the demons in your head and you'll be fine. But remember, if you're working out you do need protein and carbs because you'd rather have the exercise eat up carbs than your precious proteins. Of course that's not giving any of us permission to go carb-crazy, but good ones will help you boost your work-outs and feel better in the long run.
But yeah, like the other girls said, don't beat yourself up - it happened, maybe you've learned something new about your body from it, and move on. Let's face it, most of us spent years and years beating ourselves up over one failed diet and/or exercise program after another - this time its different - this time we have a fantastic tool but it is a constant learning process because it seems to have a mind of its own at times!!
Take it easy...listen to your body and not the demons in your head and you'll be fine. But remember, if you're working out you do need protein and carbs because you'd rather have the exercise eat up carbs than your precious proteins. Of course that's not giving any of us permission to go carb-crazy, but good ones will help you boost your work-outs and feel better in the long run.
UGH my pouch is setting me nuts today I'm having lunch right now I don't have much in for lunch since I need to do food shopping for that so I eat half of south beach bar well that did not fill me up for some reason so I HAD half turkey sandwish well hour later my pouch is telling me I'm still hungry so I'm having little ceral. IDK what's going with it one minute I don't want food the next I hungry I think I might need fill or I might be coming down with something because not I feel sick to my stomach who knows. Tomorrow is another day better one