Monday Monday Roll Call!
I am sooo sad for Laureen and her loss of her best friend Dillinger.
I just got back to the computer and realized that I had not finished this - I am SURE you have all ben wondering about me!?! HAHAHAHA!
So - had my stupid Monday morning meeting, taught a class - will continue to teach until 3:15, headed home for the homework dance and then off to take Molly to Dance class.
Such is my exciting life!
Hope you all have a nice Monday!
I'm at work till 4:00, then home for some time on the treadmill. We're counting down the days at work---14, then unemployment. I've liked this job, but it's getting pretty stressful now. Need to figure something out for dinner too but not sure what.
Ok, back to work. We're headed to lunch in a few minutes, which is good---I'm ready for a little break.
Have a great day everyone!
Getting back into the grind, am now caught up on my vmail and email from being out all last week. Had a return-to-work brain fart this morning. Got here and realized I had left my computer at home, so called hubby who was SUCH a darling and ran it down to me without complaining. Luckily had a bunch of voice mails to deal with in the meantime. Ah well.
Got to the gym this morning, teach tonight until 10, so long day. It feels good to get back in to the routine, though - time off is great but I'm starting to realize that I feel "off-balance" without the structure.
I already miss my Katie. They got back to school about 11:45 last night - said the traffic on 80 wasn't too bad. They left here about 7:30 last night, so made good time.
Dinner at the fondue restaurant was fun last night, too!
I have dispatched Jason to call the Dr. and see if there is anything he can call in for me. I am wracked with coughing fits.
We got the tree up yesterday and some other decorations. I am happy about that. Just hope that sparkle and critter behave themselves.
At work, waiting and hoping my voice will return.
Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow. Hope this finds you all well
¾ C cocoa
2 eggs
1 1/3 C flour
½ tsp baking soda
2/3 C vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
½ C boiling water
¼ tsp salt
2 C diabetisweet
1) Stir cocoa and baking soda in mixing bowl. (2) Blend in 1/3 cup vegetable oil. (3) Add boiling water; stir until mixture thickens. (4) Stir in diabetisweet, eggs and remaining 1/3 cup vegetable oil; stir until smooth. (5) Add flour, vanilla and salt, blend completely. (6) Pour into lightly greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes
On top of cooled 9 x 13 pan of brownies spread
mint frosting:
2 cups Steel's Gourmet Sugar Substitute and Sweeteners
1/3 cup margarine
3 tbsp crème de menthe ( I used daVinci sugar free crème de menthe) or u can use 1 tsp mint extract
Green food coloring (if desired) (Beat all ingredients with mixer until smooth)
Chill, then melt together: 1 cup chocolate chips ½ stick butter Spread over brownies
Have a great day everyone!