went to the movies last friday nite and saw Blindside. It was awesome. I sat in the seat for about 2 hours and boy did my tushie hurt! From now on a pillow comes to anyplace I have to sit for awhile. Luckily Cassidy's saddle is padded! I was in so much pain I wanted to scream. But I'd rather have that than the padding.
Ok, please don't hate me for saying this, but I'm sooo glad to hear you all complaining about the thing that's been bothering me for months!!! I can't sit for too long without shifting or getting up, and riding in the car for long periods is horrible! Almost brings tears to my eyes! My brother, who was always skinny, laughed and said that now I know what he was complaining about for years. And I agree, Linda---I'll deal with the aching tush rather than the padding!!!
Trust me you will wish you had extra padding on that saddle. Wow thats great that your son compliments you he lets you know your hard work is paying off. Keep up the great work and stock up on maybe sheepskin padding for that english saddle. You'll see. Thank God Cassidy's saddle has some cushioning on it.