Low Blood Sugar?
Yes, my husband does. He had his surgery in 2006. I just had my surgery in Sept. and from what I understand this is common from about 18 months or so on. When home he will forget to eat a protein with his carb and that seems to be when his sugar will take a nose dive. As long as he is very consciuos of eating a protein and carb his sugar will stay stable.
My husband and I both do...
It's very common after gastric Bypass... if you google reactive hypoglycemia, you'll get a ton of helpful info on this...
The only true way to stabolize this that I have found works for both my hubby and I is to carry glucose tablets with us.. I can only handle taking one, or I dump.. and I know some others are very very sensitive to this.
I know when My sugar is going to drop, I get a terrible burning feeling in the small of my back. Then that leads to a terrible shakey feeling... then sweating... and I've even passed out once because . You have to learn your body's "tell sign" as it can be dangerous if you don't catch it.
I'm sure others will have better suggestions... but this is what works for Norm and I.
It's very common after gastric Bypass... if you google reactive hypoglycemia, you'll get a ton of helpful info on this...
The only true way to stabolize this that I have found works for both my hubby and I is to carry glucose tablets with us.. I can only handle taking one, or I dump.. and I know some others are very very sensitive to this.
I know when My sugar is going to drop, I get a terrible burning feeling in the small of my back. Then that leads to a terrible shakey feeling... then sweating... and I've even passed out once because . You have to learn your body's "tell sign" as it can be dangerous if you don't catch it.
I'm sure others will have better suggestions... but this is what works for Norm and I.
That's for the advice!!! My mother actually thought I was drunk.
I hadn't eaten all day, and then I ate a whole lot of fruit.
I have never dumped... I was thinking maybe it was my way of dumping... but now I think it is low blood sugar.
I am going to start testing my blood sugar, just like when I was diabetic and see what the results are. Plus, make sure I eat protein with any natural carbs...
I hadn't eaten all day, and then I ate a whole lot of fruit.
I have never dumped... I was thinking maybe it was my way of dumping... but now I think it is low blood sugar.
I am going to start testing my blood sugar, just like when I was diabetic and see what the results are. Plus, make sure I eat protein with any natural carbs...
Hey Debi!
Its pretty typical after about 18 months post op. I am getting it more and more. Actually happened yesterday after dinner and I found myself shoving turkey and milk down my throat to bring my blood sugar back up. Its aweful when it happens and can scare those around you! It happened when I was driving a few weeks back and that was NOT a good thing.
Its pretty typical after about 18 months post op. I am getting it more and more. Actually happened yesterday after dinner and I found myself shoving turkey and milk down my throat to bring my blood sugar back up. Its aweful when it happens and can scare those around you! It happened when I was driving a few weeks back and that was NOT a good thing.
Hi Debi,
I am 18 months out and like Heather it is happening to me more and more often. Typically in the morning for me. Last week I had the worst episode yet...I was shakey, sweating, confused...I needed help puting money in a vending machine for a snack to help bring it back up. I don't really get any warning signs. I have noticed that if I have a really intense or long work out the day before it happens the following morning.
I am 18 months out and like Heather it is happening to me more and more often. Typically in the morning for me. Last week I had the worst episode yet...I was shakey, sweating, confused...I needed help puting money in a vending machine for a snack to help bring it back up. I don't really get any warning signs. I have noticed that if I have a really intense or long work out the day before it happens the following morning.
Teresa O
RNY 4/1/2008