NEED pumpkin roll cake recipe
Nicole told me where I could find it online... whoop... if you want it look here... illacreampumpkinroll.php
One of them cracked a little bit - but not much - and it's such a moist cake that once you roll it back up and stick it in the fridge it kind of sticks back together.
I think it's just the nature of rolling a baked good that causes it to crack!
I think it's just the nature of rolling a baked good that causes it to crack!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Just asked hubby the baking pro - he says that the cracking could be two things. One - it may be slightly overbaked. Two - pumpkin acts as a "blotter" and continues to absorb liquid as it bakes (think of how a pumpkin pie can crack). It may be necessary to add a bit more liquid next time. (Looking for the recipe myself right now...)
Oh - and if you have time - once it is rolled with the icing and cool, stick it in the freezer for awhile - it makes it MUCH easier to cut. Obviously need to allow for thaw time if you do that, though. It doesn't take to long to defrost, however.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.