Thankful For.......
.... the friendships that I have made along this journey. As we get older to find amazing new friends you feel as if they are chosen family is beyond words.
...the freedom to be free of the weight restraints my body had me under for so long. The pain of walking or even just getting out of bed.
.... the ability to express my feelings and emotions in both good times and bad times along this journey and find the support I need from one or several on this board and in many arenas of support in real life.
....My family that has stood string behind me as I took control of my life for the better and knowing they loved me fat or thin. Yet to know they are not worried about me being so Young and overweight.
....The love of Dennis that was a unsuspected find along this journey and bless him for tolerating my moods!
.... For every single day I wake up and get to live another day in this dreamer believers world.
What are you Thankful for this year?????
I too am thankful for...
-the friends that this amazing journey has brought to me! You are right they are our "chosen family"
- my family for always being there for me, even when I don't think I need them lol
- my husband who I love more then anything
- our miracle that is growing fast and strong! Can't wait to meet the baby the end of may! Without my surgery this wouldn't have even been a possibility!
- a stable (all be it crazy) job
- being able to own our own home
- all of the opportunities and moments that are yet to come. BUT because of my surgery I will be able to enjoy them to their fullest.
- the weight loss surgery I had 6 months ago and the profound positive effects it has had both on my health and on my life.
- the wonderful friends that I have met during this journey - we don't encounter people we truly connect with and truly love often in life and I am so grateful for the wonderful friends that have become family already.
- my job and the ability to make a living while doing something I truly enjoy.
- my family for their support and love along the way.
- my ability to sleep soundly, wake up feeling refreshed, not exhausted, and enjoy my days rather than dreading the pain, discomfort and embarassment of my body preop.
- my divorce (!) leading to the opportunity to start caring for myself and a second chance to begin life over again.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
2. my wonderful family who is so supportive of me & my decisions my Husband Norm & My
daughter Zahra most of all, love them to death & of course my Rory boy who lights up my life
3. my most wonderful friends that I have made thu this journey I love you all
4. all the support we share with each other
5. all my furbabies, they make me happy, Cleopatra, MarcAnthony,Pacco & Rocky boy
6. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the warmth in our home, food in our cupboards and I am thankful that Norm has a job we are so fortunate and blessed.
I am not the type of person that goes to church cause anyone that knows me ,knows that I can't sit still. but I thank God everyday for all of these blessings that he has bestowed on me, my family and my friends
May the Lord bless you and your families thru this holday season & every day
~ I am thankful for my husband, without him I would have not had the courage or support to make such a positive step in our lives.
~ I am thankful for my daughter, Madison it is you who made mommy want to have this surgery, baby I so badly want to be the mother you want me to be. I promise this summer we WILL go swimming

~ I am thankful for my son, Dillon you have the biggest heart and always know how to make mommy feel "all better".
~ I am thankful for my job, it has given us the ability for my husband to stay home with the kiddos and not be in day care.
~ I am thankful for life, the ability to learn and grow and to be a good person.
~ I am thankful for friends and supportive people, you effect our lives without even knowing it.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!

...My husband who has stood behind me 100% not only on this incredible journey but through every phase of our lives together.
...My BFF who has been my calm in the storm and my strength when dealing with the negativity that can sometimes come along with this journey from people who just don't get it.
...That my mother (even tho I complain about her at times) is still with us and feeling pretty good considering her overall health conditions and will be celebrating another Thanksgiving with us - last year we weren't sure she would still be here.
....For my beautiful, wonderful, loving daughter - we were apart the first 21 years of her life but have now been reunited for 11 and our relationship is more wonderful and stronger than it has ever been. And for the handsome, hard-working son-in-law she gave me and 3 of the most beautiful granddaughters anyone could ask for.
...For my litlte bundle of fur, Jude, who comforts me when I'm down and just generally lights up my life just by being in it.
...For my sisters who are going to be joining us this holiday season, and other family and friends that I can share my home with.
...And last, but definitely not least, for all of the incredible friends I have made through these boards, support groups, etc. who have been my constant source of comfort and encouragement through good times and bad. You guys ROCK!!!
-For Paul, for supporting me in my decision to have this surgery and for never trying to sway my decision to have/not have it.
-For my family, for being supportive of my decision as well. Mom tried to talk me out of it, wanting me to 'give something just one more try' but stood by me anyway when I went ahead with it.
-For all the amazing people I've met along this journey, for being able to call them 'my friends', for their support, guidance, and arse kicking when needed. And let's not forget to be thankful for those friends teaching me how to cook! You guys have your work cut out for you on that one!

-For feeling healthier than I've felt in years! Being able to walk without getting out of breath, being able to walk up the stairs with little/no knee pain, being able to get out of bed in the morning without a lot of joint pain.
-For my 2 most awesome cats. Sweetest, funniest animals I've ever had in my life.
-For having a roof over my head and being able to provide for myself.
So much to be thankful for!!!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!!!
- my vastly improved health: no more diabetes, my asthma has improved exponentially, and my PCOS is resolving.
- that I was able to give up so many of the meds I was taking and will save big bucks on those co-pays!
- that I have a nice gym to go to, and thankful that I am now able to do things like Zumba, Body Pump, and Step.
- my family, who have been very supportive, and supportive friends as well, including and especially the friends I have made along this journey. Love you all!
- the vast array of clothing options I now have!
- that I have a job I enjoy and a home I love with a sweet orange kitty waiting for me.
- that I can walk and walk all day without excruciating back pain -- I can walk all day in NYC, at Universal Orlando, or even the mall without a second thought. I don't have to find a close parking spot, I just park wherever!
- that booths and chairs with arms no longer scare me.
- that I chose this surgery for myself, and have chosen to comply with the requirements afterward and put myself and my needs first. It's given me a sense of peace with my body that I haven't had in YEARS.
My list goes on and on, too. This year I am especially aware that I have a great many things to be thankful for!