Birth Control
I was on YAZ both prior to and after my surgery. They highly suggest though that you use a back up method along with birth control pills since we have absorbtion issues. I did that for a little while afterwards but now I just take the YAZ.
Never tried the Nuva ring but know I discussed it with my Gyn if the Yaz didn't feel to work after my surgery.
Good Luck!
Never tried the Nuva ring but know I discussed it with my Gyn if the Yaz didn't feel to work after my surgery.
Good Luck!
I have heard mixed reviews about the nuva ring. Most of the women I have talked to highly recommend one of the IUD's if you aren't looking to get pregnant for a while and want reliable no maitenance birth control. I had severe PCOS pre-op and was told that I would probably never be able to conceive. Well I went 2 years on birth contol pills soley (Dr recommends using a barrier method for at least the first 6 months - which we did) and well I went off my BC in jan. got pregnant in april, miscarried in June and got pregnant in august.
My husband had a VAS in June, however, he still has some boys present but they are not moving so I am just being pre-cautious. Thanks for the advise. I had PCOS real bad as well. We ended up having to see a fertility doctor to get pregnant with our first. I also have super low progesterone levels, and had to have shots in my bottom cheeks for 20 weeks to stay pregnant. I also miscarried twice. I am telling you the things we do for these monkeys!!! My second I went off my BC a month earlier, went on vacation and came back preg. So we always tell him he is our Virginia baby :) Thanks for the response.
I started the depo-provera injections after surgery and I feel that it has played a part in my stall. I am due for my next injection in December, but will NOT be getting it. He had talked to me about an IUD also. So, I think that is going to be what I try next. I also make sure to use condoms, especially since I am "playing the field" right now! no babies or diseases for me!
My husband had the big 'V' too and so far no surprises (thank god!!). I was 50 when I had my surgery and pre-menopause so the doctor said to be very cautious because of the rapid weight loss and everything - that's when I asked him if he performed vasectomies, too - lol! If your hubby has had the vasectomy why not just use condoms until you're sure the swimmers are gone? You're really just looking for a little extra caution - not sure I'd go the Nuva ring or IUD route just for back-up - your body has been through enough. Just a thought...
Thanks for the response: I severely dislike condoms. the swimmers are non-motile so they are either dead or very depressed, I figure given they are not moving and to get me pregnant they have to swim pretty far up stream, and break into my egg fortress, chances are pretty slim. I just want to be able to enjoy married life and not get preg. I guess I might have to go back to condoms though.
I was on the ring for years, I loved it. I only had to think about birth control once a month! Check w doctor I know it releases hormones like the pill, not sure about the whole not absorbing issue?? But I did love it! Very easy I tried depo shot,,,,,,whew did NOT like that sex drive at all! Hope this helps