I am home
home & doing great, No nausea cause I didn't take the Narc. feel great some discomfort, can't get to mobile cause my arms are bandaged to the wrist can;t bend @ the elbow cause of bandages.
hated the IV in the foot, glad its gone.
it is 2 a,m, cant sleep & I m hungry. Norm is sound asleep and I can;t get up myself & get something, I guess that is a good thing but I only had 1 cracker and about 1/4 cup of soup 1/2 grilled cheese, all day and now I m starving
I had a blepharoplasty(eyes)
Brachioplasty(arms) and some lipo
hated the IV in the foot, glad its gone.
it is 2 a,m, cant sleep & I m hungry. Norm is sound asleep and I can;t get up myself & get something, I guess that is a good thing but I only had 1 cracker and about 1/4 cup of soup 1/2 grilled cheese, all day and now I m starving
I had a blepharoplasty(eyes)
Brachioplasty(arms) and some lipo
Blepharoplasty is the upper eye lids, I m better today put on my own pjs that makes me feel better, Norm went to work @ 4 a.m. he wanted to make me coffee but I didn't want it then the hunger passed. I just got up and made a pot of coffee boy it tasted good, you know meI will fell better every hour. I put all my stuff away from yesterday and I am ready to go out. Tomorrow I go see Dr. Lam I am excited to get out. I didn' let Norm get my antibiotic yesterday cause I had some left do he will just have to take me to Walmart to get my medicine
I don't know, I am not getting the boobs done,
maybe ny xhicken neck I have to have carpal tunnell surgery & dr. Lam can do it at Barix so maybe I will comvine it with the neck cause ins will pay part of anesthesia & Barix I only have to pay for the extra hrs.
thanks for the snack, it was probably head hunger cause it passed
maybe ny xhicken neck I have to have carpal tunnell surgery & dr. Lam can do it at Barix so maybe I will comvine it with the neck cause ins will pay part of anesthesia & Barix I only have to pay for the extra hrs.
thanks for the snack, it was probably head hunger cause it passed