Thanks for al the support!
I got home last Tuesday afetrnoon. Tuesday night was tough keeping the blood sugars up. It has been better since then. I still have a fair amount of pain. More than I thought I would have at this point. Thanks to everyone who posted, emailed & called me. All the support has helped me more than you will ever know. The good news is I am now down a total of 53 pounds. The bad news is my Short Term Disability carrier says I should be good to go back to work this Wed. (that is NOT going to happen) I have a pile of papers I have to have my surgeon fill out (in addition to the 2 that he has already filled out for them) at my 1st followup visit on Tuesday afternoon. I can't even stay awake for 8 hours, let alone work for 8 hours right now.
welcome back to the boards Sara!!
Glad things are getting better for you. I know you were having a rough time in the beginning there. You are still in my thoughts, even though I haven't checked in for a few days.
Keep us up to date and good luck with the extension. You should NOT have to go back to work yet. Especially with all the issues you had.
Glad things are getting better for you. I know you were having a rough time in the beginning there. You are still in my thoughts, even though I haven't checked in for a few days.
Keep us up to date and good luck with the extension. You should NOT have to go back to work yet. Especially with all the issues you had.
Welcome to the Loser's Bench, you are doing an amazing job so far, may you continue to enjoy the rewards of working your tool.
Best wishes, Laureen
Best wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland