exercise wow for me!
Yesterday I decided to make a serious cardio day.
I went to the gym and did the 30 minute week 3 day 2 couch to 5k workout. There was 9 total minutes of running, either 90 seconds at a time or 3 MINUTES at a time. I can't believe the 90 seconds is now easy and that I can do the 3 minutes!
When I was done with that, I went to a 60 minute spin class. The gal who runs Monday night is good. You keep moving with a minimal break here and there, you burn calories, it's fun.
The guy who runs Wednesday night's class is a freakin' animal!! You are constantly moving, mostly out of your seat. He works your lower body AND your upper body. I was doing crunches, push ups, rows, etc.. while peddling a bike
. WHAT?!? His class was the first one I ever did way back in the spring and I was lucky to keep moving at all with him. Last night, I did everything he did--maybe a little slower, but I did it. My heart was pumping, my face was red when I got out of there and I actually had real sweat!! The back of my hair was WET!! I don't usually have "wet sweat" when I work out, just the feeling of hot and yucky.
I felt so good when I got out of there that I just had to share with my dear friends!!
I went to the gym and did the 30 minute week 3 day 2 couch to 5k workout. There was 9 total minutes of running, either 90 seconds at a time or 3 MINUTES at a time. I can't believe the 90 seconds is now easy and that I can do the 3 minutes!

When I was done with that, I went to a 60 minute spin class. The gal who runs Monday night is good. You keep moving with a minimal break here and there, you burn calories, it's fun.
The guy who runs Wednesday night's class is a freakin' animal!! You are constantly moving, mostly out of your seat. He works your lower body AND your upper body. I was doing crunches, push ups, rows, etc.. while peddling a bike

I felt so good when I got out of there that I just had to share with my dear friends!!
That's awesome, Lisa!!! I was thinking of you last night when I was on the treadmill, about your couch to 5k plan. I haven't had it in me to run very much lately and thought I was gonna die when I ran for 2 minutes the other day. I need to get back to where I can run more easily. (I was never a runner, ever.) I admire you for the program you've taken on and for really sticking to it. You've been inspiring me to get my butt moving faster on the treadmill and try to get back to running.
Keep up the good work, Lisa!!!
Keep up the good work, Lisa!!!
