Finals over thank God
Well the finals went MUCH better than I anticipated. I guess I was more prepared than I thought I was. However five straight hours of essay questions is enough to fry all my brain cells. Thank you everyone for the support. Now I will have to wait for my results to come in the mail. Oh by the way Jo asked I am taking a degree course in Health Information Management. Basically anything and everything that could be done with a medical record. I started this so that I could try working from home, because I couldn't go to work. That was before my surgery and weight loss. Now I think I am ready to start looking for a job and return to the work force. I am an LPN. So recently I have been trying to decide whether to go back to work as an LPN or whether to transfer what credits I can and go to school for my RN before going back to work. Wow a year ago I wouldn't have even guessed I would be weighing (no pun intended) all these possibilities trying to decided what to do with my life. How cool is that?
Awesome news!!! Glad it all went well!!
You could always go get a job as an LPN if you are thinking that would be where your heart is and have the facility pay the school bills. It's a lot to do work AND school AND family - but is worth it in the end!
You could always go get a job as an LPN if you are thinking that would be where your heart is and have the facility pay the school bills. It's a lot to do work AND school AND family - but is worth it in the end!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.