OK, a few Questions
1) My surgeon only has me taking 250mg B12, that seems so little?
2) If I "dump" will I know pretty quick? Today I started puree and I have had 3 very small bites of cottage cheese, oh it was so good after 3 weeks of liquids. No problems. I am just scared to death to dump.
3) Can we have rice, no one ever mentions rice? Even whole grain is ok?
4) I am having a hard time with the fluids, I keep taking BIG mouthfuls and then having to swallow a little at a time as to not drown. That is going to be a hard one to overcome!!
Ok I think that is all for now, thanks for your wisdom and support!!
Hi Anita!
How are you feeling?
That sounds like a low amount of B12 to me, but each surgeon has a different program. I'd check with your doc and see if they're going to increase it.
I haven't dumped, so I can't help you there. Sorry!
You probably want to avoid rice, at least this early out. I've only had a teeny bit since surgery and haven't had any problems, but we're all different.
Try 'drinking' your fluids one spoonful at a time. I tend to drink too fast and had to be very careful of that in the beginning. An aide at the hospital (she was a bypasser, so she knows the ropes) had me take my fluids from a teaspoon. That way, I could start getting used to smaller amounts.
Good luck!!!
1) Take what Dr. Garber recommends. You are still early out and he or his nirse will adjust your vitamins as needed with lab results
2) Oh you will know! Although right now, dumping shouldn't be an issue. There shouldn't be anything with sugar on your meal plan at all. Just be careful of milk products. Many people become lactose intolerant post surgery and the pain from that is YUCKY!
3)NO RICE! Alot of people can NEVER eat rice again. I can tolerate it now and it digests well if I chew it. But I was over a year out until I could. (not a good food source anyways)
4) SIP SIP SIP, all day long, as much as you can. I learned real quick not to gulp. Oh, that hurt! LOL
Hang in there.........sounds like you are doing great!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
For now follow your surgeon's orders when they do blood work in 3 months they will adjust it.
2) If I "dump" will I know pretty quick? Today I started puree and I have had 3 very small bites of cottage cheese, oh it was so good after 3 weeks of liquids. No problems. I am just scared to death to dump. Oh you will know if you are dumping the symptoms are not fun and you will feel like being ran over by a truck is easier.
3) Can we have rice, no one ever mentions rice? Even whole grain is ok?
We do mention rice but this early out it should not even be a thought for you....Rice tends to blow up in the pouch leaving you feel awful. Some will dump on it others can tolerate small amounts, I had rice after a year out and can about 2 spoonfuls and it is whole grain.
4) I am having a hard time with the fluids, I keep taking BIG mouthfuls and then having to swallow a little at a time as to not drown. That is going to be a hard one to overcome!!
You Need to SIP not take big mouthfuls if you need to get a child's sippy cup to help you slow down, It is way to much a big mouthful that is why you feel like you are drowning take bay sips repetitively to get fluids in,
Keep on successing ..it gets easier I promise!
I am feeling about 90%, no pain, I have not taken pain meds since Thursday. I was just doing Tylenol, but have not take that since Sunday. I am not sleeping really well, I think it is this darn drain, it come out today. I am a strict rule follower, I ASSume there are rules for a reason, even if I don't know or understand the reason quite yet.
Rice: I was just wondering, I have not heard anyone eating it I understand why.

The teaspoon thing sounds like a good idea, I will try that, better get me a bib.
I am so afraid of dumping, No there is NO SUGARS in my food right now, I am still just scared the Mag Citrate memory is fresh in my mind

Thanks again!!
Rice - doesn't work for me at all - even now I still stay away from it because it can get stuck for me and that's almost as bad as dumping. Remember, this is a constant learning process and one day you can eat something and it'll go down fine - try it again and it'll get stuck or may cause you to dump. Anything that can swell in my pouch I tend to stay away from - dense breads, pastas, rice, etc. Its just not worth it. If I really want a sandwich I use the thin bakery rounds - if I want pasta its angel hair smothered in sauce and not a lot. No rice for me but I do know some people are okay with it.
Also, dumping won't kill you (altho you may feel like killing yourself - LOL!!) - its just misery for a while but it does pass. Everyone deals with it in their own way - mine is to curl up in a fetal position under my bed covers and sleep it off. And then the next day or so I am totally wiped out and very careful with what I put in my pouch.
Keep asking questions - lots of good info out here and it helps to try to prevent dumping and things getting stuck, but sometimes it still happens. For now little sips, take the meds your dr prescribes, and no rice.
Ok, No Rice - I promise!!
You already got good advice, so I won't expound on anything, but I, too, am amazed at how many people who are considering or have had WLS, that don't know about this site. Pre-surgery, as you might be able to tell I joined in January 06, my surgery was Oct 07, I did a great deal of my research through this site, it helped me pick my surgeon and the stories encouraged and gave me hope and I went on to meet wonderful people as a result of OH, both locally and from the other forum I participate on, Over Fifty Forum. When I went to my consult, there were 6 of us and I was the only one who knew about this site and because of this site, I had a very good knowledge of what was presented at the consult. This site is awesome! Good luck, you are doing well so far, just stick with your surgeons' plan.

P.S. At 2 years out, I have small quantities of brown rice on occasion, but never more than a few tablespoons.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I knew right away. I went from planning a busy day to sweating, abdominal pains, and feeling horrible in the blink of an eye.
On the topic of rice, I was counseled by a friend who has had WLS that she steered clear. The bottom line is, it has essentially no nutritional value and when every bit matters, every food that enters my body had better serve a good purpose!
The habit of sipping will come - for me, the difficult thing was learning not to drink with meals, but it's come along.