Sticking to the Basics - Monday
Running so far behind today. Knew I stayed up to
Mochaccino Shake with SF van/carm creamer
Coffee...lotsa coffee
S; Bananna Nut Muffin top
L: Shrimp with mixed veggies in lite soy sauce
brought another am shake...
D: Cancun Chili is defrosting.....yum
I have planned very well for the wk....*S*
Mochaccino Shake with SF van/carm creamer
Coffee...lotsa coffee
S; Bananna Nut Muffin top
L: Shrimp with mixed veggies in lite soy sauce
brought another am shake...
D: Cancun Chili is defrosting.....yum
I have planned very well for the wk....*S*
Contact me: [email protected] My Facebook Profile
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!
Plan for today ---- Saturday weight was as low as I've been, but Sunday back up 2 lbs . . . plan this week is to get it back down so I can "claim" the extra lbs . . . would put me at GOAL!!! My rule is I can't claim it unless it is 2-3 days in a row . . .
B: Inspire Cinnamon Cappacino Protein Drink
S: DD Coffee
L: cottage cheese
S: dried edamame
D: homemade german rouladen & veggies
S: tea
B: Inspire Cinnamon Cappacino Protein Drink
S: DD Coffee
L: cottage cheese
S: dried edamame
D: homemade german rouladen & veggies
S: tea
so the day is over, but I am going to post what I ate today because I did good!
b-1/2 C spinach chicken bake
S: decaf coffee
L: 4 baked buffalo chicken wings--like Liz's
S: protein shake when I got back from my run
D: 4 oz steak, spoonful of quinoa and spoonful of peas
S: protein shake after gym
Got all my fluids in and worked my arse off running and in the gym!!
b-1/2 C spinach chicken bake
S: decaf coffee
L: 4 baked buffalo chicken wings--like Liz's
S: protein shake when I got back from my run
D: 4 oz steak, spoonful of quinoa and spoonful of peas
S: protein shake after gym
Got all my fluids in and worked my arse off running and in the gym!!