cooking question..... for the Nature Sweet Crystals.
Many of their baked recipes on their website use this product. (with notations about it being better than splenda in baking recipes)
Many of their baked recipes on their website use this product. (with notations about it being better than splenda in baking recipes)
Funny you should ask that! I just used the equivalent of them today to bake a red velvet cake... they are Maltitol in crystal form, measured exactly like sugar.
Splenda in baking (NOT splenda baking mix, which contains sugar) can be a bit odd to me - it "shrinks" and "dries out" the recipe (hence the need to add applesauce). I really do like both Diabetisweet and Maltitol better than splenda (sucralose) for baking and cooking (hot). Splenda works really well for some other things (I used it in the icing for the cake, for example).
I got the Maltitol crystals that are the same as name brand Nature Sweet crystals through
Xylitol crystals are also widely available in the grocery store (Xylitol = stevia = truvia) and supposedly can be used exactly like maltitol. I have it, but haven't used it yet.
Splenda in baking (NOT splenda baking mix, which contains sugar) can be a bit odd to me - it "shrinks" and "dries out" the recipe (hence the need to add applesauce). I really do like both Diabetisweet and Maltitol better than splenda (sucralose) for baking and cooking (hot). Splenda works really well for some other things (I used it in the icing for the cake, for example).
I got the Maltitol crystals that are the same as name brand Nature Sweet crystals through
Xylitol crystals are also widely available in the grocery store (Xylitol = stevia = truvia) and supposedly can be used exactly like maltitol. I have it, but haven't used it yet.
I used the red velvet cake recipe (including the icing) from here's the icing recipe:
Whipped Cream Cheese Frosting
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
One 8-ounce pkg. reduced fat cream cheese, softened
1 1/4 cups Splenda
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
In a medium bowl beat the whipped cream until stiff peaks form. Set aside. In a large bowl beat the cream cheese until smooth and fluffy. Beat in Splenda and vanilla. Gently fold in whipped cream. (This makes a lot of frosting, but it's worth it! You may not use it all on the cake, but it's great on other things, too.)
Makes 12 servings.
Tasted really, really good when I licked the spoon ;-).
Didn't use quite all of it on the cake, as it did make quite a bit. That whipping cream sure fluffs up!
I use splanda grandular and ad 1/4 cup applesauce to each recipe caus esplenda dries te recipe out. for brown sugar I either use weet n low brown sugar or splenda mixed with SF maple syrup I do not like the diabeta sweet, I think it has an after taste. ther are some people that say it doe and some that say it doesn't it is a matter of taste buds