I'm alive... but barely lol...
I'm normally now up at 5:45ish to try to get out the door by 7 (which never happens because Jeremy is normally still in bed at 6:45 because "he is tired"... I'm the one up feeding and pumping Annabelle not him lol)... we drive in together I work near Allendale Road and he is on Swedsford... so by the time we pick the girls up from different sitters (an whole other story) and get home to Reading it is almost 7pm... and I'm normally in bed by 10... so I tend to pass out on the couch after dinner and do nothing lol... not even clean... got a sink full of dirty dishes to prove it lol... I think we are going to paper plates and such soon lol...
But, I will be at the next cooking class... and bringing Annabelle...
Right now I am trying to figure out if it is worth my sanity to keep pumping/Breast feeding... I loose about half my day to it... and well... I would like to have a little time back to myself...