
on 11/12/09 2:44 am - Boothwyn, PA
Is it my imagination or has Shannon been absent from our group for a while?? I'm not always the most observant person around but just realized I haven't seen her posting in a while. Liz, has she been to the cooking classes?? just wondering - wanted to make sure she's okay....

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/12/09 3:13 am, edited 11/12/09 3:55 am - Gettysburg, PA
I see a post from her once in awhile on Facebook, about the girls and such. So I believe she is fine. Just probably busy. But I am pretty sure I've seen a FB post from her in the last day or so.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



Lisa H.
on 11/12/09 3:23 am - Whitehall, PA
she has definitely been posting on FB.. the last thing I see from her there was yesterday.. Lore has to get glasses... awwwww...

And, she did post here that she will be at the next cooking class and probably be bringing Annabelle.


My tracker


Liz R.
on 11/12/09 3:52 am - Easton, PA
I am sure she appreciates you checking in! She is fine, I talk to her a few times a day. Life is crazy with 2 little girls! lol Annabelle still doesn't sleep through the night and with work and all there's just not enough hours in the day.
on 11/12/09 4:17 am - Boothwyn, PA
I appreciate all you guys letting me know - we have a Quench water system in our office and for some reason I remembered she works (worked?) for them and I hadn't seen her post in a quite a while - glad to know she's doing okay. Thanks!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Liz R.
on 11/12/09 4:26 am - Easton, PA
yep! She still works there  - in King of Prussia near the mall somewhere
Shannon O.
on 11/12/09 10:33 pm - Reading, PA

I'm alive... but barely lol...

I'm normally now up at 5:45ish to try to get out the door by 7 (which never happens because Jeremy is normally still in bed at 6:45 because "he is tired"... I'm the one up feeding and pumping Annabelle not him lol)... we drive in together I work near Allendale Road and he is on Swedsford... so by the time we pick the girls up from different sitters (an whole other story) and get home to Reading it is almost 7pm... and I'm normally in bed by 10... so I tend to pass out on the couch after dinner and do nothing lol... not even clean... got a sink full of dirty dishes to prove it lol... I think we are going to paper plates and such soon lol...

But, I will be at the next cooking class... and bringing Annabelle...

Right now I am trying to figure out if it is worth my sanity to keep pumping/Breast feeding... I loose about half my day to it... and well... I would like to have a little time back to myself...

on 11/12/09 10:46 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Sounds like a very hectic life right now - WOW!! I'm glad everything is okay, tho - tend to get worried when I don't see a 'regular' posting. Glad you're still in the loop!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Shannon O.
on 11/13/09 1:47 am - Reading, PA
not sure if you would say everything is ok... lol... I'm so freaking frustrated it isn't even funny!

on 11/14/09 12:00 am
wow this is scary I notice that I haven't seen you one here awhile but I figured with the new baby and everything else you would be busy.  How did you like the Host?  Have you read it yet?  They had Stephanie Meyer I think thats how her name is spelled on Orpah and she said she dreamt the series up and wrote the book and New Moon movie is being released on the 20th of this month.  If you are done the book pass it to someone at the cooking class and I will get it back from them when I see them at the barix meeting if not just pass it back when you are done.  Time back to Shannon?  Not for a few years I can remember feeling like that when Heather was a newborn and desperately wanting to sleep or take a shower.  It gets better you know that.  I felt that formula was the best option for me and Heather turned out ok well somewhat she does some funky stuff like bleaching her hair blonde and then streaking it blue and I am picking my "battles" like everyone tells me to.  But they don't have to live with the smurf!  Take care Shannon glad to see you are hanging in there.
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