Did I tell you...
that I am transferring my addiction. I am a foodie but lately have transferred my addiction into retail therapy. Holy cow my husband just chewed me out as I have spend over $500 just this month in clothes and shoes. YIKES!! HELP!! I don't even buy expensive clothes everything in my size is like $4 or $6 dollars even the shoes. My husband actually said I am regretting you losing all this weight as you are costing me more than you did when you were heavier. Silly man he just does not know what he is talking about. lol. BTW I am done my christmas shopping.
Transfer addictions are very real and very damaging, just like our original weight and eating. I had already shopped till I dropped prior to my surgery, so I relapsed on the alcohol when I transferred my addiction.
I hope you are able to get the shopping under control.
God bless.
I hope you are able to get the shopping under control.
God bless.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

I understand, I used to be able to use my shopping addiction on my Mom and Daughter, but can't do that one anymore, so I wind up spending $$$ on myself and feel guilty as hell that I'm doing it. I honesty have to avoid going anywhere online or in person that takes plastic, and try not to have cash on me. Its downright horrible. I'm seriously thinking about becoming a shopper for the elderly or housebound so I can spend money without it being mine.
I'm not sure if your post was meant in jest or in seriousness, as the underlying tone seems to indicate joking...but the underlying issue IS severe. My MIL was a "shopaholic" and still is, although it is slightly under better control. I have a very strong issue with it because when she was at her "worst" it cost Brian and I dearly as she stole his SSN and racked up close to $15000 in bills that she did not pay. We *could* have sued her - but that would have meant revocation of her nursing license, and, at the time, she was the bread winner for the family and it would have cost them, more imporantly, his father, their livelihood and we in good conscious could not do that. Hence why our credit sucks and what not.
Anyway - if this is a true transfer addiction you definately need to bring it up with your therapist and or seek more professional help.
If most of your shopping is done for a specific purpose, IE you said you finished Christmas shopping already - then it is this time of year that is more problamatic for everyone financially and what not. But you could also be over spending on these same things, or worse yet, because you are done so early may find it "easier" to buy a few "last minute" things here and there and end up spending way to much on people or more than you normally do.
Be careful,
I'm not sure if your post was meant in jest or in seriousness, as the underlying tone seems to indicate joking...but the underlying issue IS severe. My MIL was a "shopaholic" and still is, although it is slightly under better control. I have a very strong issue with it because when she was at her "worst" it cost Brian and I dearly as she stole his SSN and racked up close to $15000 in bills that she did not pay. We *could* have sued her - but that would have meant revocation of her nursing license, and, at the time, she was the bread winner for the family and it would have cost them, more imporantly, his father, their livelihood and we in good conscious could not do that. Hence why our credit sucks and what not.
Anyway - if this is a true transfer addiction you definately need to bring it up with your therapist and or seek more professional help.
If most of your shopping is done for a specific purpose, IE you said you finished Christmas shopping already - then it is this time of year that is more problamatic for everyone financially and what not. But you could also be over spending on these same things, or worse yet, because you are done so early may find it "easier" to buy a few "last minute" things here and there and end up spending way to much on people or more than you normally do.
Be careful,
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Pam I know someone that that happened to and her father used her ss# and she was able to prove that it wasn't her signature and told them she had no idea who used her # and they waved the debts. I know about crap credit not a good feeling . You and Brian were decent people for standing behind your family. They do say that when there is a shopping addition it is used to fill a void in a life. Scarey huh? Been there and done that. Its pretty bad when the stores knew me by name. Now its "we haven't seen you in awhile". and I say to them thats good.
Hey, as long as your new 'addiction' doesn't land you guys in the poor house it should be fine - I know how much fun it is buying clothing now, and if you're doing most of your shopping for $4 or $6 then maybe set up a monthly budget for yourself for your addiction - say $150 or $200 a month (or whatever you think you can afford) and satisfy it that way. You've been through a lot lately- the loss of the baby was devastating for you so hey, a little retail therapy may be just what the doctor ordered - as long as it doesn't get out of hand.
Christmas shopping done?? I haven't even thought about that - we've got a cruise to pay off by Jan 8 and that's weighing on my mind - ugh!! Its going to be a mean and lean holiday for us this year!!
Christmas shopping done?? I haven't even thought about that - we've got a cruise to pay off by Jan 8 and that's weighing on my mind - ugh!! Its going to be a mean and lean holiday for us this year!!
OMG christmas shopping? Is it that time of the year again? Can I just give Heather money? Nah that won't fly. Okay now that I have gotten that shock out of my system I can say to our gal ease up it seems like you are using that as a healing tool so lets get it out of your system and then it seems like you have and then take a deep breath and ease up. It also seems like you have discovered some thrift shops so share that knowledge with us. I for one love thrift shops but I do really do it in moderation. Seriously! Share the places where you can spend $4 and $6. Hopefully you are not spending that kind of money every month. I went thru a terrible period of my life where I ran up thousands of dollars in credit cards and ended up working two jobs for three years to pay them off and that was sobering. Now I pay cash for everything or it doesn't get bought and only have one credit card for emergencies only and car rental if I need to but just for when I travel since I have rental car coverage on my truck.