Tired to the extreme!
So I'm back at work but I am soooo tired. Like I haven't sleep in weeks sort of tired.
At my follow up appointment I was told this was normal after coming off medical leave and starting work again.
Any idea how I can perk myself up to get through the day. How do I muster up the energy to exercise when the thought of walking to the bathroom seems like a workout!
Even my adderall doesn't give me a boost! How long does this extreme tiredness last? What works to wake you up? I went to bed at barely 9pm last night which is incredibly early for me and it still hasn't helped.
Will a nap help or hurt the situation? Any suggestions?
Also - has your doc checked your blood levels yet? You're only about 6 weeks out, if i recall, but this is the point at which your body is starting to adapt to its new metabolic needs. And, if you're low on B12, iron, or some other nutrient, it could be making you feel pretty exhausted. I would suggest checking in with your doc on how tired you feel.
Good luck and keep us posted!
You are early out - the more you progress on "real food" the more you will get energy.
Also, vitamins are VITAL at this point in the game. Each surgeon is different but by 6 weeks out I was one:
two multi vits a day
1000mcg of sublingual b12 (one of the few ways we absorb it - you CANNOT get the swallowble pill form of b12)
100mg of b1 a day
1000mg of calcium + D a day
And yes, exercise WILL help. As will a nap and just over all increased rest. I know that sounds like an oxy moron. Keep in mind a nap should be just that - an hour or so MAX And then get up and go walk outside or something for a good 30 mins.
Hang in there - it DOES get better

Today I'm a little less tired. I think a large part of it was readjusting my sleep schedule. While on disability I had all sort of crazy hours, up til the wee hours of the morning and slept til the afternoon, woke up naturally when my body was ready and not because some alarm was going off. Took naps during the day if I felt the need but all of this is out the window and I must adapt to the real world again.
I went home and intended on just grabbing a quick nap but lasted for more like 5 hours, woke up did some stuff online and then went back to bed and slept for an additional 4 hours. Woke up to the alarm but was already starting to wake up naturally aside from my Siamese cat walking all over my back and pawing at my face, hair and eyes.
I wish I had an exercise buddy, someone who would drag me out on those days when I talk myself out of going for a walk because its too cold, or wet or I'm too tired, or whatever. My dog isn't very reliable for this, 5 lbs yorkie doesn't must love the wet or cold either and doesn't beg for walks.
I get my first blood work done in December and then I guess I"ll see if I'm deficient in getting those key nutrients. I am taking my mulitvitamins 2x a day along with biotin and calcium, just added iron as well seeing as my MVI doesn't contain iron. I'm not taking the most complete chewable vitamin, its like flintstones but lacks a few things...the flintstones complete taste is a huge turn off.
This weekend I hope to move my computer to my room so I can watch my exercise DVDs on it or watch tv while using my stepper. As much as I hate the idea of morning exercise I fear I won't get any exercise in if I wait til after work b/c by then I'm in crash mode.
Ditto to what everyone else said. vitamin B12 is very important...if i don't get mine in, I pay the price. That being said. you are very early out and you are going to be tired for a while. Right now your body is thinking WTF just happened to me LOL You will get to a point where you have tons of energy :) Exercise will help to boost your energy levels, for as hard as it is to make yourself move, even a quick 10 minute walk will help. Go over to the mall if you don't like the cold and walk there.