30 weeks done..??? to go!!
So today marks 30 weeks pregnant for me!! Im really excited and feeling pretty good. I went to the dr yesterday and they said yes i have a sinus infection and the start of bronchitis. But i honestly dont feel bad at all!!
Baby Marshall is growing strong and big!! HE was 3lbs 6 ozs last week and looking good!! I have ob appt every two weeks now and my NST's start in a few weeks. I have no signs of gestional diabetes even though with both of my previous pregnancies i had full blown uncontrolled diabetes and was insulin dependent. I gained close to 80lbs with my first pregnancy and 60 with my second. So far i have gained 9.. I lost 3 lbs the past week!! Dr said i look amazing and baby is great!! Ive also got the go ahead to try for a vbac with this baby!! After 2 sections, in which my first became and emergency c section.
I feel total blessed and happy to be having a new little guy in our family.
Right now hubby is working in florida and we will be moving a few weeks after marshall is born!
30 weeks down and 8 ish to go!!! Im kinda hoping for a christmas baby!!!
Baby Marshall is growing strong and big!! HE was 3lbs 6 ozs last week and looking good!! I have ob appt every two weeks now and my NST's start in a few weeks. I have no signs of gestional diabetes even though with both of my previous pregnancies i had full blown uncontrolled diabetes and was insulin dependent. I gained close to 80lbs with my first pregnancy and 60 with my second. So far i have gained 9.. I lost 3 lbs the past week!! Dr said i look amazing and baby is great!! Ive also got the go ahead to try for a vbac with this baby!! After 2 sections, in which my first became and emergency c section.
I feel total blessed and happy to be having a new little guy in our family.
Right now hubby is working in florida and we will be moving a few weeks after marshall is born!
30 weeks down and 8 ish to go!!! Im kinda hoping for a christmas baby!!!
Congrats Tanya! So glad to hear the FABULOUS news! I am also so glad you have been able to keep the weight gain to a minimum healthy amount. I think that would be my BIGGEST fear if I were to get pregnant after the surgery. (Thankfully that wont be happening unless I find myself a new husband...and there are days that I think that should be what I do! :)) I am so thrilled that you are happy and only hope that the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and that the VBAC turns out positive! Keep smiling! Baby Marshall is one lucky little guy!
Sounds AWESOME!!!!!!
Congratulations on the whole non diabetic thing - that in and of itself is simply amazing!
It's been awhile since I've seen you - but last time I did you CERTAINLY looked amazing!!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations on the whole non diabetic thing - that in and of itself is simply amazing!
It's been awhile since I've seen you - but last time I did you CERTAINLY looked amazing!!! Congratulations!!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.