Alright... I need help
The stores usually have oufits made up on the walls or the front Fashion bug.....and dress barn.....I go find a look I like....then walk around and find all the pieces.....I love Fashion Bug for that...they put together some cute things....
Good Luck!!!
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
So... Jeans and t-shirt huh?? =)
How about a button up shirt.. left open a bit.. and cute jeans?? You can totally make this look absolutely sexy, and it's so simple to put together!
Instead of your regular t-shirt.. try for something like this.. with your comfy jeans, and a cute pair of comfy shoes...
Same goes for this look.. it's SO cute... a long tunic, with leggings, and some cute shoes, not necessarily heels always looks great! again.. no worry about pants!
And no matter what... Black pants, and a bright colored top NEVER EVER go out of style :)
A cardigan NEVER goes out of style, especially when it's a bright color, and paired with jeans!
Also... play around with clothes you already have, but might not wear together usually! Like this blazer, with a shirt under, and some rolled up jeans and flats looks great together!
Thanks again for all your help!!
Oh and I actually have a pair of maternity jeans that fit PERFECTLY so I should be able to use them.