X-Post re Protein Drinks
About once or twice per week, I mix a large container in the morning, and then put it in the fridge at work to use through out the day.
Does it mave milk? What kind of protein drink are you making?
I would just use good common sense and only make what you will drink in one day, and keep refrigerated.
Does it mave milk? What kind of protein drink are you making?
I would just use good common sense and only make what you will drink in one day, and keep refrigerated.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I've always treated mine like milk. ( even tho I make with water )...always keep it in the fridge. I made up mine the night before and grab them in the morning to go....I've even made some up a few nights before and got to busy to grab them...
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RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!
RNY: 4*14*09
Dr. Brader - Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I am not!!!!