Wednesday Roll Call
Good Morning PA,
Can't believe this has not been started already. . . Hope you all have a wonderful day! Hope Lisa, Russ and Hailey are all enjoying their new lives together at home!
Good morning! Wanted to let you all know that I had Dillinger to the vet yesterday, he has this growth on his front paw, was told it should be left alone earlier this year, due to his health stuff. Well the vet I saw yesterday was very impressed with my dear old boy, said that she was trained at the hospital where he had his life saving surgery in February and that either a miracle has taken place, or there was a mistake in the reading of his pathology report, as she has not ever heard of a dog diagnosed with the form of cancer that Dillinger was diagnosed with living as long as he is, so we are thinking it was a miracle healing based on all the prayers and love that were made on his and my behalf. Anyway, that is the good part, which when they took x-rays of his lungs proved further that while Dillinger is an old man, he is still pretty darn healthy (can you see me jumping for joy here), anyway, he is scheduled to have the growth removed the day after he turns 13, on November 16, there is no alternative but to remove it as it has stretched the skin to the point of bleeding and she cautioned about the anesthia and so on, but then again she was for doing this, he is a fighter and what will be will be. So my dear Dillinger will have cost me upwards of $9000 this past year, and financially I am strapped, but quite frankly I don't care, the bills get paid and what will be will be. I am grateful to God and all of my friends who have pulled for me and Dillinger! Whether it's a year, two, I have had the best 4-legged friend gifted to me for all these many years now and I believe when his time comes, I will be sad, but knowing how blessed we both have been to have shared in each other's lives I will be ok.
Well it's Wednesday and I better get my butt off this computer and get ready for work.
Have a great day! Those facing and dealing with life's tougher situations, my thoughts and prayers are with you. . .
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen
Can't believe this has not been started already. . . Hope you all have a wonderful day! Hope Lisa, Russ and Hailey are all enjoying their new lives together at home!
Good morning! Wanted to let you all know that I had Dillinger to the vet yesterday, he has this growth on his front paw, was told it should be left alone earlier this year, due to his health stuff. Well the vet I saw yesterday was very impressed with my dear old boy, said that she was trained at the hospital where he had his life saving surgery in February and that either a miracle has taken place, or there was a mistake in the reading of his pathology report, as she has not ever heard of a dog diagnosed with the form of cancer that Dillinger was diagnosed with living as long as he is, so we are thinking it was a miracle healing based on all the prayers and love that were made on his and my behalf. Anyway, that is the good part, which when they took x-rays of his lungs proved further that while Dillinger is an old man, he is still pretty darn healthy (can you see me jumping for joy here), anyway, he is scheduled to have the growth removed the day after he turns 13, on November 16, there is no alternative but to remove it as it has stretched the skin to the point of bleeding and she cautioned about the anesthia and so on, but then again she was for doing this, he is a fighter and what will be will be. So my dear Dillinger will have cost me upwards of $9000 this past year, and financially I am strapped, but quite frankly I don't care, the bills get paid and what will be will be. I am grateful to God and all of my friends who have pulled for me and Dillinger! Whether it's a year, two, I have had the best 4-legged friend gifted to me for all these many years now and I believe when his time comes, I will be sad, but knowing how blessed we both have been to have shared in each other's lives I will be ok.
Well it's Wednesday and I better get my butt off this computer and get ready for work.
Have a great day! Those facing and dealing with life's tougher situations, my thoughts and prayers are with you. . .
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good Morning All!!
So I had another crappy nights sleep and paying for it this morning. I am at wor****il 4 then home to make dinner and relax - no real plans. Oh and I get yelled at if I do too much lol so well resting it is for me!
Laureen - prayers continue for you and Dillinger - he sure is a fighter!!!
So I had another crappy nights sleep and paying for it this morning. I am at wor****il 4 then home to make dinner and relax - no real plans. Oh and I get yelled at if I do too much lol so well resting it is for me!
Laureen - prayers continue for you and Dillinger - he sure is a fighter!!!
Insomnia sometimes comes along with pregnancy, hope it does not continue throughout for you. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes re Dillinger, I think that is what has "cured" him to begin with!
Insomnia sometimes comes along with pregnancy, hope it does not continue throughout for you. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes re Dillinger, I think that is what has "cured" him to begin with!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
morning everyone.
Laureen, so glad you have had so many wonderful years with Dillinger.
Liz, hope you catch up on your sleep
as for me.. slept pretty good last night.. Now that it's getting cold, though, I am finding that I am sometimes wishing for a warm body to share the bed with. Oh well, maybe I'll get a cat.. LOL!
today has me working 5-3:30 OT!! NEED THE $$$ BADLY!!
after work I WILL get to the gym. I didn't make it there yesterday.. was just too tired. No excuses today.
Then, pick Siehara up from choir and she has appt with psychiatrist tonight. I need to talk to him about some things happening at school and see if maybe it is time to up her dosage of meds???
Then, home to relax and I guess I'll watch the baseball game and see what happens.
Laureen, so glad you have had so many wonderful years with Dillinger.
Liz, hope you catch up on your sleep
as for me.. slept pretty good last night.. Now that it's getting cold, though, I am finding that I am sometimes wishing for a warm body to share the bed with. Oh well, maybe I'll get a cat.. LOL!
today has me working 5-3:30 OT!! NEED THE $$$ BADLY!!
after work I WILL get to the gym. I didn't make it there yesterday.. was just too tired. No excuses today.
Then, pick Siehara up from choir and she has appt with psychiatrist tonight. I need to talk to him about some things happening at school and see if maybe it is time to up her dosage of meds???
Then, home to relax and I guess I'll watch the baseball game and see what happens.
Good morning.. everybody must be sleeping this morning. I stayed up till 10pm and couldnt fight the sleep monsters. Got a decent night sleep.
Today has me at work till probably 430. Its getting to be our busy season and im not working my 30 hours any more. So the extra $$ is nice but im a tired of 8-9 hour days 7 months pregnant.
Hopefully today is busy so the work day goes fast.
Have a great day everyone!
Today has me at work till probably 430. Its getting to be our busy season and im not working my 30 hours any more. So the extra $$ is nice but im a tired of 8-9 hour days 7 months pregnant.
Hopefully today is busy so the work day goes fast.
Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning all!
I am at work. I think I hit a wall yesterday. I am "officially" overwhelmed and feeling stressed. classes are demanding at times, and the kids are starting to hate me leaving to go to them. so it makes it tough as hell to walk out that door to go, when they all just want me to stay home with them. I am trying hard to keep my head straight but it's getting tough.
OK, enough whining. Wor****il 3:30, then home to make dinner then off to class AGAIN. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
I am at work. I think I hit a wall yesterday. I am "officially" overwhelmed and feeling stressed. classes are demanding at times, and the kids are starting to hate me leaving to go to them. so it makes it tough as hell to walk out that door to go, when they all just want me to stay home with them. I am trying hard to keep my head straight but it's getting tough.
OK, enough whining. Wor****il 3:30, then home to make dinner then off to class AGAIN. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Yes! I am done with this semester's classes Dec 15th, and done with work Dec. 18th. Class doesn't start back up until Jan. 13th so that gives me LOTS of time to be with kids over holiday vacation and some time to re-group!
It's just taking a bigger toll on all of us than I expected.
It's just taking a bigger toll on all of us than I expected.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!