Confessions of a Stauffer's Milk Chocolate Star
Hey, its not much better here - soft pretzels, philly cheesesteaks, Tastycakes - and I live about 5 minutes from a farmers market that is open on Friday and Satrudays and all of the Amish and Mennonites are there hawking their yummy wares.
Oh, and let's not forget the annual York Fair where all you did was eat your way thru the place!!
I blame Martin's for being fat! LOL. My dad works there and has since before I was born. He used to take me and my sister in the plant, to visit, and let us eat chips fresh off the fryer! OMG! Delish!
Not to metnion all the free chips he got to get every week. Now, he tries to call me and pawn off chips and I tell him to give them to someone else. I can't have just a handful.
And the fair? Oh yeah!
Bricker's French Fries, Fair sausage, pumpkin funnel cakes, and deep fried snickers.
I think I have gained 15 pounds just typing int his thread. And all because of that damned cookie! LOL
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Dads - I loved my dad more than anything and he had a huge belly - always looked 9 months pregnant, but he would get on me about my weight, then take me out and stop and buy me a candy bar!! But I miss him terribly - he's buried at Mt Zion Cemetary out in York - I've been a bad daughter and haven't been out there to visit him in too long but here's a cute story for you...
One year at Easter my sister and a friend went out to York for - what else - Wolfgang's Easter candy, of Vicki and I bought an extra chocolate bunny and on the way home stopped at the cemetary, got out with the bunny, each took a bite off the ears and put it on his marker. My friend just stood there in shock at first - she couldn't believe we did that - but EVERY year when we would open our Wolfgang's Easter 'nests' - remember how they come in boxes? Well, every stinking chocolate bunny would be missing its ears!! So it was a tribute to dad and we followed thru with it for many, many years...I'm sure it thrilled the groundskeepers up there to come across this partially eaten chocolate bunny once a year!!
Oh well, we talk healthy foods all the time. No sense in hiding or denying the fact that we still struggle with those long lost yummies.
And Kathy, that has to be the coolest story ever. My great grandparents are buried at the same cemetary. And now, I want to go and put a bunny with bitten off ears on your dad's stone. If you can't make it this year, call me! I will do it.....and be your messenger. Very cool story!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!