Ugh I know quitting is not an option!
This is a little off topic here I went to the Rothman Insitute and now after 2 shoulder surgeries I have to get an MRI tomorrow and go back to the Rothman and discuss surgery for the 3rd time on friday. I wish I could drop my shoulder off somewhere and get a new one if you know what I mean. I had my first surgery on my left shoulder done in Feb and it was bone spur, scar tissue and bursitis and then was rear-ended while in my truck with Heather and ended up with frozen shoulder in april and in may had my left shoulder manipulated in may and here we are in Nov still with frozen shoulder and they think the car accident could have caused a tear on top of the frozen shoulder and what is driving me nuts is and I know this sounds crazy but everytime I feel better I am riding again not yahooing and galloping just casual easygoing trail riding something else happens to my left shoulder which is not horse-related at all. You should see me slide off of Cassidy its hysterical! I am sorry I am having a self-pity party for myself but I feel like I start, get set back and start again. Went thru so much to get healthy and lose the weight so I can do the things I love the most. Anyway thanks everyone for letting me cry. I promise the next person who does this on these boards to supply them with hugs and tissues. And I was told I would have to go to Jefferson and stay for 2 days!
I am sorry that you are going thru so much pain with you shoulder. BUT I meant to tell you the last time I saw you at the Barix Post-Op meeting that you are looking positively svelte. Your jaw bone is so defined and you have no hiney to speak off. I hope that helps in making you feel better. Please whine and complain all you want that is why we are here. Lots of Cyberhugs coming your way.
I am sorry that you are going thru so much pain with you shoulder. BUT I meant to tell you the last time I saw you at the Barix Post-Op meeting that you are looking positively svelte. Your jaw bone is so defined and you have no hiney to speak off. I hope that helps in making you feel better. Please whine and complain all you want that is why we are here. Lots of Cyberhugs coming your way.

Whine away. I wonder if a physical therapist could evaluate you while you are on your horse and see if there is some way to alter a riding action so you aren't aggrevating your shoulder, or give you some exercises to strengthen your core and upper body to take the heat off of your shoulder. Just a thought. I hope you feel better soon.
Hey, whine away - we all deserve a little pity-party for ourselves at times, and facing yet another shoulder surgery is definitely cause to have one. Rothman is supposed to be an excellent place for this type of stuff so you're in good hands. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way - feel better soon!!