***Sunday Roll Call***
Good Morning Pam,
I am beat. I am on a knock out med, that when I take the full dose, it makes me feel like a zombie. Appropriate for the day after Halloween.
This morning I am heading to church, via Dunkin Donuts. I want to buy donuts for my Sunday School class, as it is my birthday and I did not bake last night. After church, it is the Eagles/Giants game and then my family is having a birthday dinner for me at my sis-in-law's. Then, hopefully, the Phillies can recoup after last night.
It looks like the sun is trying to shine, which would be a nice change.
Have a great day.
I am beat. I am on a knock out med, that when I take the full dose, it makes me feel like a zombie. Appropriate for the day after Halloween.
This morning I am heading to church, via Dunkin Donuts. I want to buy donuts for my Sunday School class, as it is my birthday and I did not bake last night. After church, it is the Eagles/Giants game and then my family is having a birthday dinner for me at my sis-in-law's. Then, hopefully, the Phillies can recoup after last night.
It looks like the sun is trying to shine, which would be a nice change.
Have a great day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Morning everyone!! Had a great time last night at a halloween party with bonfire and haunted barn to boot. Hit a bar after and luckly we werent the only ones dressed up....not that I would have stood out dressed as a big orange Tigger....Im sure no one would have noticed me 
I got home late enough (or early enough) to actually watch the time on my computer automatically go BACKWARDS....kinda cool LOL
Today I have a lot of running around to do. I joined a new gym that is literally right across the street from my new karate school so I need to drive up to my old gym and cancel my membership there. Now I have to decide which of the two karated schools to go with...they are within walking distance of each other, but I dont know if I want to stick with Kenpo and the school that most of our old schools students are going with or if I want to try a new discipline (goju ryu). The second is a lot less expensive, but doesnt have as many class time options. I am going to try both schools out this week and decide from there. I also need to hit the mall and get new running shoes and maybe check out clothes. The dogs also need food and cookies...so a trip to the grocery store will be in there somewhere. Hoping to make it home not too soon after the Eagles game starts. Lots of laundry and straightening up to do around the house.
Have a good rainy sunday everyone!

I got home late enough (or early enough) to actually watch the time on my computer automatically go BACKWARDS....kinda cool LOL
Today I have a lot of running around to do. I joined a new gym that is literally right across the street from my new karate school so I need to drive up to my old gym and cancel my membership there. Now I have to decide which of the two karated schools to go with...they are within walking distance of each other, but I dont know if I want to stick with Kenpo and the school that most of our old schools students are going with or if I want to try a new discipline (goju ryu). The second is a lot less expensive, but doesnt have as many class time options. I am going to try both schools out this week and decide from there. I also need to hit the mall and get new running shoes and maybe check out clothes. The dogs also need food and cookies...so a trip to the grocery store will be in there somewhere. Hoping to make it home not too soon after the Eagles game starts. Lots of laundry and straightening up to do around the house.
Have a good rainy sunday everyone!
Hello PA
Today has me doing homework and preparing for next weeks lesson plans as this past week I basically took off of school. I screwed up and didn't turn any assignments in, so this week calls for preparing. Along with preparing for my food choices this week.
After homework, then cleaning, and grocery shopping.
Have a great day everyone!
Today has me doing homework and preparing for next weeks lesson plans as this past week I basically took off of school. I screwed up and didn't turn any assignments in, so this week calls for preparing. Along with preparing for my food choices this week.
After homework, then cleaning, and grocery shopping.
Have a great day everyone!
Morning, folks!
Well, yesterday i got back to the gym after a week off for being sick. Ran 3K on the treadmill and boy did I feel it! Today I got my butt back there and did my weight circuit to get myself back on track as quickly as possible. This will not be a slacker week for me - i really felt awful not getting there last week! Still have the cough, but it's getting better.
So yesterday after the gym I got into the jewelry lab at school and got a nice flask of ivy leaves ready for casting on Monday and fixed the torch for monday night's class. Hubby and I then went out for a nice dinner at Tomatoes in Doylestown (love that place). We realized that we've ended up there the last 3 or 4 halloween evenings - how funny! We've never had any trick-or-treaters at our house in the 18 years we've lived here, but Eddie insists on buying a couple of bags of candy "just in case" (the type he likes, of course!). I've not been tempted by it, interestingly.
The sugar addiction seems under control at the moment - I can satisfy the chocolate craving when it happens with a portion of a Doctor's carb-control sugar free dark chocolate bar, or an ounce of Asher's SF dark chocolate, and I manage quite well with that. What I AM having increasing cravings for is the carb-y stuff like pizza crust. I think partially it's the time of year when I'm looking for those warm comfort foods, and a pizza crust or mashed potatoes or stuffing fits the bill nicely. I'm struggling with that... haven't given in, but it's been a near miss a few times. So I'm trying to find "redirections" that will address that without derailing me. Just ordered some carb-quik and will be trying that in a recipe, and may do some low-carb baking to see if that can handle it.
Today I'm heading out to the thrift store to buy a pair of jeans (hopefully) and see if I can find a batch of old broken beaded necklaces (anyone have some???) that I can disassemble and use for watch band bracelets. Then heading back home to the studio to finish up on some pieces for this week's delivery to the gallery. Busy Busy!
See you all soon, I hope! Have a great Sunday!
Well, yesterday i got back to the gym after a week off for being sick. Ran 3K on the treadmill and boy did I feel it! Today I got my butt back there and did my weight circuit to get myself back on track as quickly as possible. This will not be a slacker week for me - i really felt awful not getting there last week! Still have the cough, but it's getting better.
So yesterday after the gym I got into the jewelry lab at school and got a nice flask of ivy leaves ready for casting on Monday and fixed the torch for monday night's class. Hubby and I then went out for a nice dinner at Tomatoes in Doylestown (love that place). We realized that we've ended up there the last 3 or 4 halloween evenings - how funny! We've never had any trick-or-treaters at our house in the 18 years we've lived here, but Eddie insists on buying a couple of bags of candy "just in case" (the type he likes, of course!). I've not been tempted by it, interestingly.
The sugar addiction seems under control at the moment - I can satisfy the chocolate craving when it happens with a portion of a Doctor's carb-control sugar free dark chocolate bar, or an ounce of Asher's SF dark chocolate, and I manage quite well with that. What I AM having increasing cravings for is the carb-y stuff like pizza crust. I think partially it's the time of year when I'm looking for those warm comfort foods, and a pizza crust or mashed potatoes or stuffing fits the bill nicely. I'm struggling with that... haven't given in, but it's been a near miss a few times. So I'm trying to find "redirections" that will address that without derailing me. Just ordered some carb-quik and will be trying that in a recipe, and may do some low-carb baking to see if that can handle it.
Today I'm heading out to the thrift store to buy a pair of jeans (hopefully) and see if I can find a batch of old broken beaded necklaces (anyone have some???) that I can disassemble and use for watch band bracelets. Then heading back home to the studio to finish up on some pieces for this week's delivery to the gallery. Busy Busy!
See you all soon, I hope! Have a great Sunday!
This morning had us grocery shopping then came home and cleaned out a closet in the spare room for all the grandkid toys --- the toys have been making their way to all parts of my house and it was beginning to drive me nuts. Once the closet was all organized, we are just having a lazy day in front of the TV--- watching the Eagles now, then I'll watch the NASCAR race that I DVR'd, then finally the Phillies tonight with a better outcome than last night I hope.