Funky Friday Roll Call
I just got home from 7 hours at the emergency room. I have a clotting disorder, and sometimes go to get checked out, having lost two brothers to blood clots in recent years. It takes long because since I also have asthma, they must do all the bloodwork, find out I have an elevated dee-dimer, or some such thing that could indicate clots, and then do a CAT scan. BUT, because I have asthma, I have to have an injection of some mega-steroid, and wait for an hour. Well, then, while it should have only taken a half hour for the results, I had to wait three hours for some darn reason. My room was freezing, and I kept moving the thermostat up. I also was not allowed any food or drink, and I had not had supper. Then, even though I told them I had some symptoms of a sinus infection, they did not give me any meds for the bronchitis. I wanted to call Nurse Pam and ask her to give them some Jersey Girl stuff. What a waste of time and $40.
So, now, I must get up and go to my family doctor and I feel like crap, inside and out.
That is how I will spend my Friday. No school for me.
Albert Schweitzer

Wow Morning....
Reason number 10657 why I hate ER's. Unfortunately they are a necessary evil! I hope your family doc does more for you than they did and you feel better soon.
Well yesterday I did make it to the grocery store so today I am going to start my cooking spree. I got the stuff for chili, spaghetti sauce, chicken noodle soup, beef stew, crockpot roast beef, baked mac and cheese. I also got a second chicken, some pork and a few other meat items. Plus a bunch of side dishes and veggies so I should be good for a while!
Other than that, more of the same ole same ole for me. I have to make sure I remind myself to eat my bedtime snack before like midnight tonight though because I have to go for a one hour Glucose tolerance test on Saturday morning. It isn't scheduled until 1015 so I need to sleep as late as I can also so I'm not STARVING before I go!
Anyway, ya'll have a great Friday!!!!