I soooooo need this post today, Liz! My office is positively FULL of Halloween candy and it's making me crazy! Knowing that there are others fighting the good fight with me definitely helps. Let's all avoid that candy and stay on the road to greatness!
Remember back in Girl Scouts when you could earn a merit badge for such things as selling cookies or learning a craft? I want a merit badge for avoiding the Halloween candy! :)
Remember back in Girl Scouts when you could earn a merit badge for such things as selling cookies or learning a craft? I want a merit badge for avoiding the Halloween candy! :)
We get a TON of trick-or-treaters so there are at least 8 of those jumbo bags of candy in my house... been there for 2 weeks! I haven't touched one! Now I also did get bags of pretzels and mini bags of microwave pop corn because I like to give the kids a healthier choice. last year the pretzels were the first thing to go! We do have a lot of littler kids too though
I am with you guys. We don't get trick or treaters but my youngest still goes out to collect the candy. In years past I would raid his bag as soon as he got home. This year however I am scared silly of eating any sugar. Now I do have a major sweet tooth, so I buy all SF treats for at the house. Like SF fudgepops, and chocolate flavored SF yogurts. I eat that when I need something sweet, and so do the rest of the family now. If Mom ain't buying the junk then nobody eats it. And the funny thing is everyone loves the SF stuff. Way to go for healthier choices. Belinda